In no random order:
1) All - Cineplex Lift
2) XXX - Fall in Genting Trip
3) Vin, Keong - "I think this must be you & Keong why you so late
4) Chan - Dong Gua Cha (Winter Melon Tea)
5) Vin - Ram the pole
6) ZX - Career Threatening Lobang By Andre
7) Oki - Qiang Jian De
Alex - "Touch Touch, see got problem"
9) Me - Santa Claus
10) ZX - Love at Taka
11) Sam - "Sam used his head to ram doreen's backside
12) Oki & kenneth - Tussle at the basketball court
13) Mr Wong - "YOU BARBARIAN!"
14) ME - "Prata ci duo hui bao"
15) Alex, taxi Driver - "Fang Wo Xia Che"
PS: you may sound blur, ask Surfers R@nge members for clarification