i could understand if it was becoz she was with that guy for 3 years...but wat the heck is 3 years when the guy cheats you and lies to you to be his standby while he try out other gals. and he "so claims" to love her very much,If u are sure u are right about her ex-bf, then surely time will tell the truth. It's just a matter of time that she will know the truth, whether or not he is cheating on her. But if she knows the truth, however it may be, and accepts it, then why not let her be? She may just be happier if she's not torn apart between 2 men.
As months passed...i felt she was juz right, it never mattered if she wasnt pretty or wat. She was wat i wanted...someone caring and loving. All my previous ex...were selfish bastards...never seem to find the right gals. So i sort of fallen for her over time.Loving someone and finding the right person is not exactly about how u said it is (above). It's not about finding someone who is right and good for u, rather it's about being the right and good one for the girl. If she chooses her ex-bf, then she probably knows what is best for herself. And if u persist despite her expressing her intentions to return to him, then who's the selfish one? I am not provoking u in anyway. I hope u see this the right way.
i feel that bastard is so lucky... how could such bastards get so lucky... a gal who is willing to love him no matter wat he did..I am 100% sure there will be a girl who will appreciate u as much as ur friend appreciates her ex-bf. I am sure of it. It's just a matter of time. Learn to be patient and persevere, its reward is the crown of life.
I am so depressed and upset. i keep thinking of the things me and GAL did together. bus rides home, the chats, the nights out, the movies when we were so close, the nights when she had to wait for me finish my cs games at egames to go home together...Something I learn is this, people say "time heals all wounds". But i realise that time does nothing but hides ur wounds, Jesus heals all wounds, and i mean it. I am a witness to this myself.
how she wanted me to drink less, etcetc etc. it juz hurts me so much. i cant stop thinking of all that. though so many ppl say juz forget it...ignore her and get on with my life...its nver that simple...when u live through something like this...
i have not been even going to service nowadays....so many xtians simply do nonsense that upset u. fucking hell. totally disappointing... hypocrites...been jumping church eversince... hypocrites everywhere...rarely see truely devoted xtians nowadays."For all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God". Sounds familiar? Well, Christians, all Christians for that matter are sinners. Can't blame, we are all like that. It takes the grace of God to overlook all this, something that we can't possibly possess unless we receive peace and grace from Him in the first place. That's why some people are so frustrated and upset, because there's no peace inside. For that matter, i strongly encourage u to return to Church for service. Renew urself with God, feel the difference. "A broken spirit, He will not despise". Anyway, one more thing about Christianity is that it's about ur personal relationship with God. The bible says in Hebrews 12:2-3=>"Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning it's shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart." My brother the reason why u lose heart is because u set ur eyes on the wrong things... in this case, sinful men.