first go brush up ur chinese!!!

let me explain lah... dun think jeff will understand either...
depend on tian shi di li ren ho de shi hou
tian shi (weather)
de li (ground; or hme ground)
ren ho (people; or someone who can help)
de shi hou (when time is rite)
jiu shi (den)
wo yu mo ren (me, yu ruofei)
shang chang le (time for me to take the move)
must read more newspaper mah... den u know my chinese.. and also watch more chinese show such as MA YONG ZHEN & TIAN DI HAO QING

second part...
carol like fan chang xian diao da yu sia...
must make xin yang yang haha...

loong tell her "i miss u alot, when can go steady with you" mai du liao lah