I discover this site by chance and i was specially interested with the posting on HMV Japanese girls.
First to begin with, this site need revamp in the expressing of english language. So if you boys and girls can't speak enough Nihhongo to save yourself, try speaking better english, preferable with americano accent. Trust me you stand a better chance
Second Don't waste time hanging out at HMV or Ginza like dicks, you make yourself look like a sorry pile of sh*t. Stop wearing tight fitting Diesel T shirts with Japanese prints, they are fucking adverds of some household products.
Personally i have nothing against Japanese fashion. I mean just like some they DIG america stuff But FUBU is really Blackwear, so ppl how many skinny niggers have you seen?
I've seen many NiggerBengs, (with skintight T's) yea thats what they're call. FUBU is Black clothes for Black people, it's meant to LOUD AND HUGE, not skinny pukes'wear So to all the people that i'd mention, if you persist to keep wearing a $50 blond mop on your head and wear awful rugs, what you call fashion... go grap your passport and live in Johore Bahru. There you can be the hippiest dude and maybe....they think your Japanese!!! Hahaha
final words before i get struck to hell for my judgemental views, if you want Japanese girls, Go form a rock band and have big $200 blond hair OR be yourTrueself and speak proper english. well .. rest is up to her
ps, my GF is jpnese but no i don't have big blond hair

[This message has been edited by mishima (edited 06 February 2001).]