i just thank God that my parents didn't want the best for me, that money may or may not have entered the equation when i was conceived for i was number 5. just imagine if my mother had told my father "but what about the other four kids? don't you want the best for them? an extra mouth to feed, that's going to stretch our resources so ever thin, let's abort it darling." or if money had been a huge consideration and my mother had gone for steriization after having child no. 4, well, there will be no colette here today and there will be no ...
miss you.
and it's the weekend again. oh yeahhhhhhh ...
back to the topic, sometimes i think couples have to ask themselves what they want out of a marriage, i do admit that raising a kid in sunny Singapore is no joke but all a kid wants is to be given a chance to be born, it may not want the best in the life that the parents can give it but rather a fighting chance to experience life.
have to go now, will have time to think and add more tonight.