Interested to earn some spare cash or to learn new technology? Please contact me for details or email me your resume so that we can match our projects to your area of experties.
Areas of experties we are looking for:
- Microsoft.NET: C#, VB.NET
- Network protocol: SOAP, SIP, IMAP
- Linux Administration
- C/C++
- Visual Basic 6.0
- Nanotechnology
- Organic Material for OFET, OLED
- Accountancy
Even if you don't know any of these technologies, but are interested, you can still email your resume to us and if we come across any projects that suit your experties we will contact you.
Who we are?
NUS incubation startup.
Objective of this post
To expand our human resources and subsequently to invite these pool of resources who have like-minded entrepreneurist spirit to join us