[b]our company is a company that is doing bussinese in LIFE SCIENCE and IT Industry, we have Sales and customer service vacancies now , 19-26,can speak both English and Mandrine (Those who have done NS is prefered).No expeience is needed, the salary is about 1500++ if u do a parttime,and training is provided.if u interest,e-mail to jobagency_315@hotmail.com sincerely [/b]
the company what name? at where? how many daes of annual leave? any benefits?
i tot its part time? hehe
yah loh... must give all details mah... n english so bad dun sound like agency...
Originally posted by Moonflood:
yah loh... must give all details mah... n english so bad dun sound like agency...
how can like that suan people..
wait u send ur details to her/him then they sell ur details earn $... u ok ah... ok loh... u dun mind then ok loh
must check mah... so wait for them to reply Lynette loh