Working at Landor Associates get to enjoy a limousine service to and from work on their first day.
Sure a not
SINGAPORE: More companies are starting to experiment with unique ideas to attract and retain talent, with some pulling out stops to ensure new hires have a first day at work they cannot forget.
New hires at Landor Associates, for instance, get to enjoy a limousine service to and from work on their first day. They also get to have lunch with the boss and have an afternoon massage.
"I was pretty surprised actually; I almost could not believe it," said 24—year—old Caroline Saridewi of her first day at Landor Associates as a branding consultant.
Landor started its ’My First Day’ programme six months ago, and its President Nick Foley says none of its recent recruits have left the company so far.
"The best way you can track it is how many people are choosing to stay with the company," he said.
"What we’re really trying to do here is to stand out amongst other Singaporean employers and create an environment where people love working, and it starts on day one," he added.
Human resource practitioners say not many companies will be able to replicate the Landor experience.
They also stressed that it was important companies prepare adequately for the arrival of their new staff.
However Managing Director of PrimeStaff Management Services Ronald Lee said such "feel good factors" need to be sustained.
"Companies cannot simply pay lip service when it comes to good corporate culture... (Company) management must walk the talk, and live and breathe the values of the organisation. Otherwise, all initiatives to inculcate corporate culture will lose credibility and employees will view the management or company as inauthentic," he said.
Human resource experts added that small gestures conducted on a regular basis can also go a long way towards creating memorable experiences at work.