Originally posted by Just_do_it_lah:
this is not the 1st day u know him....
i had crashed with him more than 10 over times...
he is mega stubborn and he will never back down... for his face value.
Maybe he only member of 1 forum, which he is a Mod. He doesn't know abt exchange of views, to learn and understand certain things. He should try being a Mod at EDMW, see how long he can last, or how many people will jump at the wild accusations.
Only becos he's a Mod, he feels shiok. Plus the fact got teach a few newbies who follow his pattern, he become their mentor or chief, he shiok liao.
Never realised TD driving got mentor, junior and senior one. Maybe next time I call my hirers senior also better.
I am sure deep down there is a strong desire by 1 or both them to lock that thread for good.
Because how can allow, every time the Mod post, kena arrow demanding an explanation or logic for his posts.
The gloves are well and truly off. I post rubbish, you by all means can rubbish my claims, if you don't want to, that's also your prerogative.
But if you post something I think is rubbish, I am under no obligations to remain silent on the matter, unless I want to.
There is always a ...
higher mountain....
so, we are alway learning...from other people....
For him... he is Mt Faber, he thought he is the highest....
I think this time round, got another show to see again........
RaTtY81 retired liao after reaching 10001 posts. damn i posted
User since May 16, 2006
Nobody notice this nick?.........
Last time, someone ignored him, ended up tio pok........
Aiya, he never learn his lesson la.........
Originally posted by Rbs70:I think this time round, got another show to see again........
128 topics, 2,695 posts, (view all | monitored posts)
RaTtY81 retired liao after reaching 10001 posts. damn i posted
User since May 16, 2006
Nobody notice this nick?.........
Last time, someone ignored him, ended up tio pok........
Aiya, he never learn his lesson la.........
U got standby....
Originally posted by Just_do_it_lah:U got standby....
I'm always ready........
Hahaha, I wondered why it took so long to lock the thread. Finally the MM couldn't take being farked for the constant rubbish spewing from his mouth.
Talk so big, 1 iota of effort also cannot do.
I'm sure the Chinese got a saying, wanna help somebody or do good, no need to trumpet or praise your efforts, that one bo pakai.
Knn, everything I did this, I did that, I help this, I help that. Do something wanna boast and get praised for it. Like a 12 year old kid.
Originally posted by Rbs70:I'm always ready........
U never go over .....
Originally posted by JoeRaj:Hahaha, I wondered why it took so long to lock the thread. Finally the MM couldn't take being farked for the constant rubbish spewing from his mouth.
Talk so big, 1 iota of effort also cannot do.
I'm sure the Chinese got a saying, wanna help somebody or do good, no need to trumpet or praise your efforts, that one bo pakai.
Knn, everything I did this, I did that, I help this, I help that. Do something wanna boast and get praised for it. Like a 12 year old kid.
Now he is opening a thread on SMRT Mercedes taxi....
How much he knows about a limousine taxis..... starting to talk rubbish again.... OMG.
Hahaha mummy's boy can take criticism for talking rubbish.
Here's the post:
Originally posted by Poolman:lan chiao law , they must prepare to eat my $1 coins if they insist of using $100 .
My friends very lenient liao ....
They have got stacks of $2 notes nicely pack into $50 ( 25 pieces ) .
Very quick to change as well .
Too heavy to carry around those $100 worth of $1 coins .
Hahahahaha. Oh dear another delete ah? Poor thing mummy's little boy can't being found out for talking rubbish.
LJ post, talk without reading and understanding. Just blurt out, blah blah, rubbish.
Go ahead delete la, only proves my point further.
(Duplicate post will be found at LImo forum, your say unlimited). Very beautiful thing this cut and paste.
Topic 1:
Topic 2:
Originally posted by Poolman:lan chiao la ......
I dun believe la ....
When u got into trouble and u need them to help using those cameras ...... u will be surprised what excuses they use .
Oh dear, poor me, my post kena delete and edit liao. Hahahaha. Think I bothered? Think it will affect me? You wait long long.
Kena delete, kena edit, even better, thank you, proves my point even further. That the person talking thru his arse cannot accept a differing and correct view to the rubbish he posted. His only option is delete or edit to save his face. But doesn't save face, it proves the stupidity even more and the childishness. Proves what I say when someone has the mentality of a 12 year old.
Originally posted by SBS2601D:Funny that TD here can be quite ignorant despite driving on the roads....EMAS and all the warning sign at highway is activated by those behind the desk watching the cameras.
You think those recovery vehicles got 6th sense and will appear on telepathy?
And how did you think they figured out that Mas Selamat had hidden in Tampines and eventually fled to Msia....
Traffic cameras!
And think again how they managed to calculate the speed of the crazy ferrari at Bugis.
One way was of course to measure the time taken to travel across the frame from the onboard of the car.
The official way was in fact to measure the time he took to travel through the junctions using cameras.
All these are all public domain information plus some deduction, so hard to see meh?
No you got it wrong not all taxi driver here is ignorant, some can understand and appreciate, while 1 in particular thinks he's the expert in everything. Will just come here and start blurting rubbish and become a cyber warrior.
Dummy camera? Nay, dummy moderator.
Here moderator post rubbish and teach wrong things including law breaking is alright one, when another post something pointing out his rubbish, he tak boleh angkat, so must edit thinking he saves 'face' but only proves his stupidity, lack of knowledge and childishness.
now he knn never eat medicine......
deleted all the threads including my tcss thread......
knn, he don't know what's call effort? limpek spent so much time on it, 1 click all gone........
when you want war, I can give you......
From the topic: Taxi Forum Private or Public:
I was chuckling with amusement with the latest events in this forums. So many threads deleted, and almost all of them threads which showed the actions of a moderator that were illogical and wrong, rofl.
For me it doesn't matter, delete my threads or posts, don't affect me - I will either post a duplicate in the Limo Forum after given approval by the Mod there (your say unlimited) or repost, or even ignore altogether. The more you delete, edit or lock the more it proves my point.
I was just curious whether the other Mod (Andrew) had anything to do with this, but he denies any knowledge and has no involvement in the affairs of the other mod, who is trying to turn this forum into a private one.
Well if you want to have your own private forum or blog and post anything that's your right, but once it's a public one, then there has to be certain responsibilities.
1) Post logically
2) Do not challenge authorithy
3) Do not listen to hearsay and take it as a true fact
4) Do not affect the sensitivities of race or religion
5) Be prepared to face differing views to your own
6) Do claim knowledge of everything, state clearly it's your own personal views or experience, but be prepared to accept the views of others who may know better than you.
7) Be humble
8) Do not trumpet your own 'good deeds' - self praise is an international disgrace. If you did good, the other party will post it here and thank you, you needn't do it for yourself.
9) Respect the rights of other posters, give fair warning if you wanna delete or edit, don't think by deleting edit, or as seen having the last word then locking means you have won. This is not a game of win or lose. This is a forum. It proves only 1 thing - your immaturity when you do things like that.
and finally)
10) Do not post things about illegal activities or encourage such things, like suggesting 'don't call the police when in trouble because the police are useless - activate palringo or give the pax first, talk later. This is a most dangerous advice and borders on criminal conduct.
So you want start anew? Well let's see how 'new' things will be. If you post sensibly, I've got no issues. If you raise your hands and say, yes I was wrong and am sorry, well goodonya.
But if you post rubbish or state claiming things without being backed by the facts and figures, then sorry, not all of us here are 'ayam', if the cockerel crows, not all of us will cluck in unison.
Anyway I got it from another forummer who complained that this forum has lost it's lustre with too much rubbish posted and little tips or info for use of taxi drivers. He also said that deleting certain threads wasted the efforts he posted in trying to exchange information, he felt the mod's action was totally wrong and disrespectful - I have to agree. And no this person is not Rbs but just an ordinary taxi driver too.
So I leave it to the other Mod to reflect. If he deletes this thread, locks it or edits, then it only goes to show how shallow and immature he is. But maybe, just maybe if he lets it be, then we can perhaps say he wants to change and change the forum for the better.
Let's see shall we...
Hahaha, it didn't take long to delete and prove beyond doubt that all this 'new changes' purely fictional only to remove posts/threads where the moderator's wrong comments were exposed as rubbish.
Even the other Mod (Andrew) came in to this thread and made a comment, he saw no reason to do anything to it, because it got lieu and was fair comment, but even his fellow Mod's comments and decision to leave it alone, he don't respect. He deletes it, because it shows his immaturity.
Tell others not to spend so much time on the forum and go and drive, but look who's talking. He himself does it, spending hours, waiting to edit, delete and lock any post that proves him wrong.
Act your age la, don't behave like a small kid who throws his toys out of his pram when he can't get his way.
your thread is unlock and shifted here by my darling fireice..
A new thread - Comedy Gold in Taxi Driver Forum:
So the Supreme Leader of this forum can't bear to see or read
anything that criticises his opinions, he's taken to editing, deleting
and locking threads.
Nowadays I count every 1 deletion, editing
and locking as 1 count of childish behaviour on his part. Guess tonight
he's done it over 20x.
His latest desperate measure, locking every thread every night! He's actually coming in every other hour to edit/delete/lock.
must thank him, I find this hilarious! In all my years in so many
forums I never seen any mod behave this way. Pure comedy gold!
He will get up and delete this later, no worries for me. I want to see every thread I post deleted, it really amuses me.
my dear Poolman who obviously likes to play childish games, I am most
prepared to entertain you. Uncle Joe always got time to amuse small kids
and keep them occupied.
In case anyone forgets why all of this?
Well he started this by posting rubbish, questioning my integrity,
cursing the Law, deleting all the treads of others who took time to post
and answer. He only wants newbies who will agree with everything he
says, no matter how wrong it is. He cannot accept a differing view.
No worries then
All cut and paste nice nice for you ok?
baby Poolman, don't cry ok. Uncle Joe will play with you, make you
happy ok? Everyday you wake up, come find Uncle Joe ok and delete
Uncle's threads ok? Uncle entertain you la, so big also nobody to play
with you right? Now become Mod got chance to play child games, yay,
Uncle Joe happy for you.
B4 go to sleep come find Uncle Joe ok? Wake
up find Uncle Joe. Drive time also find Uncle ok? Uncle see how many
hours in a day you like to play, Uncle will help you.
Doing well
Poolman, don't sleep much ok? Got a lot of edit, locking and deleting to
do. Uncle Joe waiting for you as always, keep you company, so you don't
have to play by yourself.
Copy posted at Limo Forum - your say unlimited. Deleted once already (Keep it up, son)
Originally posted by Rbs70:now he knn never eat medicine......
deleted all the threads including my tcss thread......
knn, he don't know what's call effort? limpek spent so much time on it, 1 click all gone........
when you want war, I can give you......
You must see who started all the nonsense that make him do that right? Your TCSS thread so long he got disturb?
Hi to everyone!
A short intro of myself - I'm Jeremy and I'm a sort of gay activist, in other words to promote the tolerance and understanding of gays, lesbians, bisexual and transgender people or LGBT.
I have been asked by 1 of my friends to come in here and explain or clarify 1 or 2 things. I shall try my best and feel free to ask any questions and I may answer them when I am free or on my next visit.
My friend is a friend of a cabby and was told there's some kind of anti-gay feeling among cabbys in this forum. I was directed to this post. Sorry I haven't been able to read all the the previous ones or what has transpired up to now. So my answer will be based on what i read here and what I was told. Sorry if it's long but I think clear the air explanations might be long to emphasize a point or 2, I may have to make multiple posts. Ermm I noticed there's no spell checker here, so if I make some grammar mistakes, I apologise - we really have become too used to such things.
Ok first let me begin by what I was told. A cabby here was condemning others on being poor parents and scolding others on all sorts of things, and also some name calling. This caused the cabbys affected to do some digging and they found out from some sources that the person doing all this was actually gay. And he was married with kids and kept this from his wife and others. They then exposed him after finding out about his gay activity in another forum where he posts. I haven't checked out that forum but maybe I will in the coming days.
Now I have read this post from the start and it's clear that the cabby mentioned is Bingjames as he has posted his feelings above. But I am also confused about some things he says about policemen and abusing authority? But anyway let me just stick to what I came here for.
There seems to be a lot of things here, but let me start with the most important.
There's nothing wrong being gay or bisexual. Many gay men contribute to society and are law abiding, they even defend their countries. I am sure you read of brave soldiers fighting in wars and saving lives while being gay or bisexual. So please don't condemn gays for their orientation. They are humans too and have feelings like you and me. 1 gay activist I look up to is Alex Au - please feel free to read his blog, Yawning Bread. Mr Au has stood up for democratic rights for all Singaporeans besides just gay rights. In many ways, it's Mr Au who brough this AIM saga into the open.
It takes time to discover that you're actually gay or lesbian. These feelings can begin at an early age or sometimes a person discovers it when they are older, even sometimes when they are married - in this case they are of course bisexual, since they have a wife and maybe kids as well. Myself I discovered it in my 20s and it took sometime to really discover the real me, if you get my drift.
The next important is coming out - Coming out refers when a LGBT person openly declares to the world - or to his friends, relatives etc that he is gay. This is not an easy thing believe me, even in more open countries like the US or Europe, what more Singapore. But despite what some LGBT say, I think Singapore today is much more tolerant of PLU - People Like Us, than it was say 10 or 20 years ago.
It's really a hard thing to do to come out in the open and say you're gay or bisexual. You may get rejected or worse get mocked or ridiculed for being frank and open. It may cause relationships to fail and I know of some parents who totally reject their kids after being told so. Then of course there is religious associations that reject gay lifestyle choices but let's not go there.
I'll make a small confession here, I have come out but not fully - that is my friends, colleagues etc all know I am gay but not to my parents, yes they suspect it afterall I'm nearly 40 and unmarried.
But as a gay activist we generally advise gay people the following:
Come out if its safe to do so. That means if you're from a religious group that is very anti-gay, then maybe its better to keep mum.
Come out if the people around are matured and understanding. Come out if you are confident enough. And better to come out if you know someone is going to expose you.
For bisexuals its a bit different:
If you discovered your orientation early - as a kid, teenager or young adult, then perhaps its better you tell your partner if he/she is straight. And you must tell them this before marrying them. Why? Because if you fail to do so, it can wreck havoc to your marriage, it can be devastating to your wife/husband and worse to your kids. You must have the guts to explain this before marriage or at the very latest just after marriage, where a quiet divorce can be done if the other partner rejects it. But don't keep it silent until you have kids, it's very unfair and cruel to them.
We in the gay community demand others respect our right to be gay but similarly what we must do is we must respect others right to be straight. So if you are going to marry a straight person, then shouldn't you tell them?
Of course if you marry another bisexual, then it becomes a lot easier and both parties should come clean with each other.
Finally there are the few cases where a person only discovers his/her orientation after marriage or in adulthood. Here the advise is subjective and on a case to case basis. If you think coming out will cause damage to your spouse and kids then its better to keep silent until a time when the kids are older. But generally we would advise that at some point its better to come clean than live a lie.
Now coming to my purpose here tonight.
Bingjames I am not sure which discovery category you are in, but I think its safe to say you are married with kids and a bisexual. If you discovered you were gay or bisexual early before marriage then you should have told your wife that, shouldn't you? If you have told her already and she accepted it, then hey, that's the best thing right? Everyone is happy.
Next then is marital fidelity or for gays/bisexual - being faithful to 1 partner. You will find that almost all gay activists promote this - being faithful to one partner. If we want gays to be accepted as normal people then we must also behave normally - that is be true to your partner and not sleep around.
So Bingjames I think you best can answer this question as I as know little of transpired before this. Are you faithful to your wife after marriage? You see you were the one who made the choice to marry if you knew your orientation before marriage. You must again make the choice of being faithful, either to her or if you have a gay partner, to him. It's not fair to either party, if you keep silent, or worse if you have multiple partners.
Then we must also caution on unprotected sex if you have multiple partners. Do you use a condom, have you gone for regular screening for stds?
Finally I come to those who bash Bingjames for his orientation.
Please stop this and accept him for what he is, a bisexual. A person's sexual orietantion has nothing to do with his/her character or their jobs. And even a cabby can be gay, lesbian or bisexual.
As for parenting, gays, lesbian and bisexuals can be good and even great parents too. So that should not affect bingjames giving parenting advise, provided he too has come clean with his orientation to his spouse and eventually to his kids.
My personal advise to bingjames is you shouldn't be name calling and judging people or doubting their parental skills. To each his own, right brother?
As a bisexual man, you should stand proud, dispense good advise and not mock others. You must remember that the straight communtiy also have a right to demand that we in LGBT movement behave civilly and properly with them, if we want their respect.
Ok I think this should be enough food for thought. Feel free to ask questions.
Bye bye and remember - 1Love
We (limo sub-forum) respect BingJames, extraordinary activities and will not continue with the meaningless debate.
I will lock this thread as we will not comment further.
I regret for the inconvenience that may have caused to the Moderators and Admin of Sgforums.