U saw this thread....
: EducationHow to use the taximeter ? (2012) Taxi
Education ?
No wonder..... "He" act like a MOE teacher....
Originally posted by komade:me maybe leaving soon.............
Leaving for? You mod which forum, this or that 1?
Originally posted by Just_do_it_lah:U saw this thread....
: EducationHow to use the taximeter ? (2012) Taxi
Education ?
No wonder..... "He" act like a MOE teacher....
Haha, got lesson ah? Knn, I also never go for lesson for MDT when upgrade, most common sense one, CDG really want to know, go their driver portal got you tube video.
Only CDG has lessons on MDT.
Other companies - all OJT. (On Jobs training)
SMRT has MDT course too...
Transcab... they only give u a brochure... read yourself...
Originally posted by Just_do_it_lah:SMRT has MDT course too...
Transcab... they only give u a brochure... read yourself...
me all the way didnt attend cumfark MDT course until i had to go
for the limo course then shun bian attend haha~~~
Originally posted by Just_do_it_lah:U saw this thread....
: EducationHow to use the taximeter ? (2012) Taxi
Education ?
No wonder..... "He" act like a MOE teacher....
This thread started because when he cross over to Silver cab, he was too shock by their meter........
When you take over Vellfire, don't be shock also, maybe you will need to refer to this thread.......
Tia gong same same they using........
Originally posted by Rbs70:This thread started because when he cross over to Silver cab, he was too shock by their meter........
When you take over Vellfire, don't be shock also, maybe you will need to refer to this thread.......
Tia gong same same they using........
No worries bro....
Me.... drive as normal.
no pax also never mind... the pax will be shocked instead...
Originally posted by Just_do_it_lah:No worries bro....
Me.... drive as normal.
no pax also never mind...
the pax will be shocked instead...
see Vellfire, wave never stop........
Originally posted by Rbs70:see Vellfire, wave never stop........
Call me after June....
Market practice.
better "help" bro JoeRaj to transfer his meaningful contribution here before it get "edited" by next door
Originally posted by Poolman:show
You know there is a saying: never argue with fools, they will bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
But let me try 1 last time, if not for suffering fools than at least to set the record straight:
When wanna talk or make a point, must be logical, not start blabbering and bringing all sorts of unrelated things and then mix it up and pass it off as the truth or as a fact. Just look from the beginning from this thread to where it stands:
1. Started talking abt the Korean lady's case to support his logic that the law here is biased against Singaporean.
2. Bring a case of robbery to show the inability or inefficiency of the police in regards to this case, when under the Law they are 2 distinct offences, with distinct investigation powers.
3. Demanding the police do this and that and start whining like a school girl when it didnt go his way.
4. Making wild statements and making assumptions based on those silly wild statements.
5. All talk but no action for a person he calls his best friend.
I never claim to be an expert but what I don't do, is start trying to show how great I am or force my opinion. I don't claim that the forum is so big and if the police do good, I will praise them or if bad condemn them. I don't claim to be a guru or mentor and then give stupid advise. What I do claim is to be logical.
Who said no case? Maybe he can't understand English. Assaulting taxi drivers if convicted in court is definitely a jail term, as opposed to to person A assaulting person B. The courts (the very courts he claims is useless) have made this clear.
Did the police not investigate? Did they not ask for medical reports, record statement etc? What they cannot do is simply go barging house to house, unless they receive credible information especially from the victim. Why can't they do this?
Use logic 1st. Did the assault happen at CC View? No. That was only the destination given.
The monkey stated he stays in CC View, is there any other evidence to confirm this, besides his remark? No. So according to our guru, the police can simply go house to house. Supposing the farker was lying, CC View not actually his house, maybe he rent, maybe his friend, his gf, bf house how? So easy ah, police just go knocking door to door, based on hearsay. This forum hearsay very powerful, especially from the Minister Mentor, but in real life, it has to be seen logically.
Moreover is this a seizable offence? No. But if the identity can be ascertained the police can and will investigate given the publicity and the authority from the magistrate. Until then the scope of their investigations might hinge on the few details provided by the victim.
Instead of talking cock and trying to prove a point, there was so much that could have done at the beginning. Look at the advise I gave as opposed to the talk cock stories and condemnation of the police, the MM did.
What I suggested?
1.Study the area at Buona Vista and Coleman St, see if got camera. If got inform the IO as soon as possible.
2. Stake out CC View for a few days, in the hope of spotting the culprit. Can organise makan, can go Lavender and impress newbies, but cannot go and do something for a 'best friend'? Phui la.
3. Go and push CDG, seek their help to urge the police to solve the case.
4. Ask CDG, Transcab (can talk so much about his connection within TC and the lady boss) and Premier, to see if anyone picked the culprit up from Buona Vista to CC View. He must have taken another taxi back. This definitely could have been done.
5. Get BJ to go down and try to convince the IO to sympathise with him, so he will do his utmost for this case. The IO will for sure do somethings, but if you can make a personal connection, I am sure he will at least try even harder despite other cases.
I was willing to advise further, even if BJ wanted, meet up and explain more on how best to solve this matter, but the Mod was more interested in editing, deleting and trying to defend BJ online than doing something about the case.
6. Find the NPC CC View is under, go and speak to the officers there, or call the OC, explain nicely the situation and ask whether BJ can come down and give more details, and hopely persuade the OC to direct his men to patrol there more often to locate the culprit or even better get some of his plainclothes team to walk around and make enquiries.
7. On his own, help BJ by getting fellow kakis to go down to CC View, and ask passers-by about the culprit and see if anybody can pinpoint the residence. If identified, all that was required was to play a waiting game and wait for the farker to leave and get his photo/residence and call the police to get his particulars.
All these never do, but come and grumble, mumble and claim he's a taxpayer, the police job, not his! Like that the police no need to investigate other cases, everyday in SG dont know how many 323 cases, the police should drop everything else and investigate! No logic.
==========Original post==========================================
Next let's look at his next advise:
Because 323 is non seizable, next time, you also hammer back until the bugger head pecah go hospital.
If kena assaulted don't report as assault, report as robbery.
Are these words from an adult or child?
Teaching people to take the law in their own hands and then make a false report. Good la, Taxi Mentor teach these, all his followers can follow, all can end up in jail, for causing grievious hurt and making a false report!
But then he say, no la, bo pian must do like this, Police farked up only investigate robbery. Oh like that ah? Not because the Law doesn't give the police the powers, but because Poolman says so, means can.
So every time, something happen, please make false reports. Like that you and the culprit can go to jail together and after come out, can forget about driving.
If kena assault, report assault, if kena theft report theft, if robbed report robbed, but as he love to say, I leave to others as to which advise they want to follow.
Originally posted by Poolman:show
Follow this advise people. It is the solid advise given by someone who knows everything. Like on page 1 in this thread, he says follow Poolman, I will lead you to glory.
He will lead you to glory like this, please follow him, what I know, just a little bit of law and advise.
Originally posted by Poolman:show
As they say empty barrels make the most noise.
What has money got to do with this? Whether the assailant rich or poor, whether BJ rich or poor, what has that got to do with the case?
When you argue with a fool, this is what happens, they talk got no logic one, will hantam from Point A then jump to d, go to g and then come back into B.
The issue here has never been money, but the identity of the culprit. All they got is a description.
The Law here very clear, assault cabby, bus driver any transport work = jail. And don't say money la, dunno don't hantam and pretend to be smart. Ang Mo got go jail for assaulting cabby, Japanese got go jail for assaulting cabby, anyone who did it and was convicted in court has gone to jail, does the Mentor know this?
No la, his law is what he read from 1 or cases, what he hearsay, what he imagine and assume.
2 weeks already, nothing but grumble and mumble, curse this, trying to connect other cases into this, but NO ACTION (on the ground), TALK ONLY.
Even his friend give good advise, tell him to zip up, he cannot one la. He is the big shot of this forum. He say means correct, his posts are read by thousands even LTA, the press who knows maybe the Govt also, that's why must post and complain.
You think I support the police? Rubbish, I don't like the police also, but they are the ones we still have to turn to. We want justice, we too must play a part and help them and prod them, not just sit on our fat arses.
But sometimes unfortunately, justice is not served because the culprit got lucky. Remember the Malay man who got smashed on his head with a wine bottle? That case also unsolved, and quite a few others. Some were caught, but some escape. Some criminals get lucky, but we hope eventually they will get caught.
I have not been a victim of assault but my cousin was. He was a kachang puteh seller at Leisure Drome. 1 day as he was going home after midnight, there was a fight between Indians and Malays. Unfortunately the Indians escaped before the Malays could round up their numbers, they looked for the fellas but couldn't find, then they spotted my cousin, just because he was an Indian, they whacked him jialat and then fled.
His face swollen etc, but what could we do, we went down to find them the next ffews days, but they never return. Police medical report all done, but nothing came from it. Was it fair to him? Of course not, but that's life, sometimes unfair too and we and him just had to live with it.
No point la arguing with fools or if not a fool, someone whose ego is way too big.
Cannot be wrong one, everything he say must be right one.
You explain logically also no use, he is a Legend in his own mind. You provide facts, give advise also waste time, he will counter with something else.
He will say never mind, next time I bash back, make the case bigger by lying, and just to make his argument better, will take 1 or 2 incidents elsewhere and connect it to his argument and say - see, I told you so - that 1 can, means this also can. He might even bring the pledge to bolster his case.
When his friend kena, he scream murder, others kena, he relax one, post relax one. His friend knocked down and killed 2 persons, that 1 he can ask for advise to see how to mitigate. Other people killed 2 in a an accident, he demands 20 months jail.
This is the Taxi Mentor's theory. Must record all down, put in a sticky, maybe sent to press also, so everyone know, what is the correct way of doing things - he will lead you to glory, for sure!
========= earlier post ==========================================
Originally posted by Poolman:show
Talk cock sing song, cyber warrior. Talk so much now, 52 houses blah blah, why the Monday of the incident never organise search party to scour?
Assault happen early hours of Monday morning. Monday morning itself go CC View with kakis, can surely spot the monkey going to work?
No lah, that 1 not important, speak to press, come online, post rubbish and whine and condemn everybody, that 1 more important.
========= earlier post ===========================================
Originally posted by Poolman:show
That's why when Mr Tan give good advise to zip up, some people don't know how to take advise, only know to talk big big, exagerrate and link unconnected things together.
Robbery is a very serious offence, can be said after murder and all other offences of a capital nature, robbery is in the next most serious list of crimes.
Hgpin kena robbed did the police take it lightly? The multiple stabbing at Tampines did the police hesitate? Nope they went into it straightaway, why? Because robbery is a seizable offence of a very serious nature.
Mr Tan's case is 323, VCH - a non seizable offence. Even if say tomorrow Mr Tan identify the culprit and the police come down, they CANNOT arrest him, they can only verify his particulars (only if he doesn't produce an IC or passport, then they will arrest, that also only until his identity is verified, he will be released thereafter). After verification he will told to await an order to appear at 'D' Div, pursuant to the relevant section under the CPC (Criminal Procedure Code).
323 or common assault, cannot warrant a major police investigation by going house to house, they have no power to go banging doors and demanding to search residences whether 1, 2 or 52. Maybe when Poolman become Police Commisioner he can order this when his friends are assaulted. Because it doesn't happen for all 323 cases so far.
Maybe if Mr Tan is the nephew of Pres Tony Tan then the police might do it, but not for BJ, not for me, not for my neighbour or any Tom Dick or Harry.
Once when I was in the force, some police handcuff 2 Indian suspects, but somehow, 1 manage to free himself from 1 of the handcuff rings and took off running to a block of flats.
Naturally they gave chase but couldn't catch him as he went up the block. So what next, they block's exits was sealed. Reinforcements called in, and an ASP came down (under many laws, an ASP is a 'walking warrant' meaning he can enter into any premises and search it, just like a CNB officer, he can break and force entry if need be).
Escaping from handcuffs is a very serious offence - escape from legal custody. That block's records were taken out and after searching every floor, they came to the conclusion that the suspect might be hiding in 1 unit (let's just say 10th floor). That block got very few Indian families, so narrowed to this one.
Police knocked on the door, the residents came to the gate and was told whether they knew of the suspect and whether he was inside. They denied any knowledge but also refused a request by the police to enter and search.
The Law is very clear on this, if a policeman (any rank) sees a suspect fleeing a scene and entering any residence or building, office etc, they have the power to go into that unit to search for him, and use force to gain entry also.
Here no one saw which flat the suspect went into, or whether for sure (100%) he was in that block (maybe he did managed to escape before the sealing). What did the police and that ASP in particular when entry into the 10th floor was denied?
Nothing. That's right nothing, because no one could say 100% he was seen entering the unit and the home-owner refused entry. Of course the ASP could invoke his power and demand entry but supposed really it was the wrong unit, then how?
In the end they were unable to arrest him that day, only thru investigations and the assiatance of the mother, did they manage to persuade the guy to give up. He didnt stay at the block, he had a friend there, and although the police strongly believed he was hiding there, he did not admit it and as such no charges of harbouring a fugitive was preferred against the flat owner.
That kind of serious case, also the police did not go knocking very door of the block or all the other Indian families, for this kind of 'kachang case' where the Law doesn't empower them, you want the police to bang 52 doors?
Ya ya, very nice words and a wonderful story, something you tell some school children, they will listen attentively.
Finally don't go far, let me give a better example.
Last Sunday my friend a TD was drinking with a few other cabbies in a coffee-shop in Hougang. Like many areas, these coffee-shops always will have 1 or 2 Indians who cause trouble (mabok sibok we call them).
They came to friends table and started their nonsense, 1 thing led to another, my friend keropok both of them, my friend like BJ's attacker, nearly 90+ kg, 1.8m. Police called in.
My friend in his anger at the 2 monkeys kept on farking them and wanted to whack some more despite the police arrival. The police told my friend to cool down, but he yaya, in the heat of the temper go and f the cops using vulgarities. He was arrested for this (abusing police officers).
Monday he released on bail, Tuesday he was charged in court for the abusing case, in court the Prosecutor asked for 2 weeks adjournment because maybe the police might also want to charge for assault. Yes assault - 323 (no serious injury to the victims but they gave a statement to the police about being assaulted). So now that case is being investigated. The IO told my friend ok, maybe we might charge you, you see whether can settle with victims and they offer to withdraw, the file will be sent to the AGC for a final decision.
So you see, even assault cases the police will investigate and charge if they are told to do so. Why they did in my friend's case? Because the assailant was known, if my friend had chowed from the scene maybe he might not be caught unless identified by the victims.
So dont go saying police inefficient and all the rubbish story. The police will act, provided sufficient information is provided, not fanciful talk big theories or hearsay, clear correct information provided the police will take action if the AGC advises them to do so.
So many things and proper effort could have been done and still can be done to help BJ. But no, instead of doing something, some ppl prefer only to talk about it and then blame the police.
You want justice for your friend, get off they cyber war and go do something proper. Like I said in the beginning it's important to gain the IO's sympathy. The IO of course cannot go down order a major investigation for a case like this, but he can advise and maybe give his blessings to the NPC in charge of the area. Take BJ and go to the NPC where CC View falls under. Down there got plainclothes team also. NPC not like Clementi main station, NPC got time to investigate small 'kachang' cases too. Talk to them, ask them for help, officer do you now anyone of such description, if spotted can call me down to verify if it's him, or if know the house?
On your part, get off your ass and accompany your firend and try to locate him, instead of blabbering here, cursing the police linking a major case of robbery in CCK to a simple assault in Buona Vista.
Don't be a NATO.
There is nothing personal here. This is a public forum. Whatever I post here is based on what has been posted or raised.
When somebody raises a proper point, a fair point or even a controversial one, but it is based on logic or what the persons deems is fair, then no problem.
But when you start being a cyber warrior, starting blurting things with no head or tail, just anyhow hantam, start posting like a kid, teaching people to break the law, yes, break the law by making a false report, then what, all of us here what? Ayam ah. The cockerel crow all of us cluck in unison?
Want to condemn or critise, also must be logical, dont treat everyone like kids, your view only the correct one. When make a mistake, still very proud, refuse to budge. Insist he's right.
Knn, you think I dunno the police can also be very farked up? I should know better, but you wanna criticise them have something logical to critcise, not just anything and everything. Find out about the law and the procedures first, then talk.
If you say TP farked up, never bother with road management, only out to summons, that 1, I 1st to agree.
In fact, it's not wrong also to disagree with a court judgment. The AGC wont go after you if you disagree, they will only do so when you make grave allegations that you have no evidence to support. Accuse judges of being biased, without proof, whther pro-foreign or not, and then highlight 1 or 2 case, which he dont know the full facts and quote that as a fact? All of us must diam diam and keep quiet and say yes teacher is it?
You maybe the expert in taxi matters, good for you, that one some areas we can raise our hands to you, how to find 13 magical pax, how to be CBD warrior etc. That one, each own style, nothing to say for or against, we can disagree but nothing against.
But just because you expert in 1 field don't start becoming expert in every field. Don't question people integrity etc.
When you do so, then others also have a right to point out your many flaws.
long story spotted yo ~
That thread was dying a natural death, but our friend just couldn't resist to add his 2 cents worth.
Then started with the same old tired rubbish of police inefficiency. Knn if I really find out the Police started a major investigation, devoting all sorts of resources and manpower for a non seizable offence, I will personally write to the CP and demand that they do this for all 323 cases in future.
The whole way they went about the case was wrong after starting off well. It could have really produced results with some effort.
The press reports, the medical review, the magistrate's complain, that was that was the perfect start, but after that, become rojak.
Instead of blaming the police, he should also blame himself and his friend, for not moving forward in those early days where the memory was fresh.
Not say advise wasn't given but he assumed and started to imagine things without putting in the groundwork
this is not the 1st day u know him....
i had crashed with him more than 10 over times...
he is mega stubborn and he will never back down... for his face value.
Originally posted by QX179R:long story spotted yo ~
U want to buy popcorns and root beer before reading ?