Hi Guys,
I just created a new thread for fellow forummers to "back up" their post(s) that u might worry will go missing (either post edited or thread missing), next door, as it has happened frequently.
As we contributed time typing our views and contributions, it "could" be edited in seconds. This thread acts as a safeguarding to our contributions and may continue to discuss it on Limo forum.
Good contributions from JR
Wah very nice nowsadays got use bold and underline to highlight things, using the quote button not enough, maybe this forum also like a school, got teacher to teach lesson and highlight and underline things.
You hero will bash ppl head, but I'm not. Most important the TD was safe, and my presence there stopped the robbery. Anyway the guy already run, the most appropriate thing to do is to observe him, which block he run and call the police.
Very easy to say what to do or will do, when not there? Anyway why must I give my pax a free trip after driving for 30 mins or so, he go 2 places somemore? Most important no injury and the threat was no longer present. The other party also never call police what more shuld i do. If he stay put at least I can support him. At least I went around after looking for the culprit.
Anyway why talk about free fare? You got do free service and standby at CC View? Priority is TD is safe and no robbery took place, he only lose a fare. Why should I also lose a fare? My bills who pay?
Talk so much for what....doing the correct thing is more important.
Some ppl down here think they hereos or school teachers talking to 12 year old kids.
Talk so much about money for what? Last Mon Tues Weds got throw rental and forgo time and money and go CC View to stake out and find the fella? No right? But come here post like internet warrior, scold this and that, curse this and that, all talk no action. And this for 1 of his best friends or 1 of the nicest ppl he's ever met, according to his words.
At least I know if I got trouble, some of my friends will volunteer to go down to the scene the next day if I ask them, or they will do on their own accord. They will not be posting rubbish on the Net.
How stupid can 1 be, 2 middle age men going to chase after the robber in his 20s? If he got weapon how? No injury and robbery already is the best thing in the circumstances, but no some ppl say they will do more, but never think or think thru their arse.
You abandon everything and go after? That means a) you let the fare go (ok fair enough) b) will you lock the cab? c) will you wait for the other party to lock the cab?
Say 1 of you never lock and run after the guy who's already had a headstart, you run until pancet, and then walk back, suddenly your cab not there how? They robber go 1 round take your cab and escape? Or someone else take it and go for joy-ride? Who gonna answer for this? If the victim run never mind and his cab got stolen, but you only witness, your cab stolen, you think CDG, Transcab etc will be very nice and let the case go? You think insurance will cover?
Say you manage to catch the guy how, you fight with him, bash his head etc, he get injured how, serious injury? You think police will let you go? You think his defense lawyer will let you go? He kena charged 1 thing, you also hero will kena.
1 time in Sims Drive, a van run over a kid, some guys at the void deck go over the scene and bash the driver. You know what happened, the driver got charged of course but the 3 guys who assaulted him also kena.
What is the best action (also the police advise when robbed or attempted)
1) Do not resist Surrender valuables if have to.
2) Observe his description
3) Call the police immediately.
Did this driver do that? Nope maybe he never resist but 2 and 3 he never do. Here got 7000 strong police at your service at a call, but ppl don't activate them, activate Poolman, he's the superman who might or might not come to the scene, but be rest assured he'll post in support of you on the Net!
You can doubt my integrity but I have no doubts about your stupidity!
After everything over come here, talk this and that. Not at the scene, dont talk so much. If the guy is fighting with the robber or got injured then I never do anything, like that question my integrity, I got no problem.
Robber already making good his escape and driver not injured and robbery failed because of ppl around, what's the best thing to do?
Yes, that's right carry baseball bat, run after him and break his head because you're in your twenties, very strong and fit.
Solid advise for school children!
For victims of robbery or assault pls la, you decide which is better.
If you feel your life in danger, abandon your vehicle is alright, just observe the robber/assailant, his description etc and call the police. Wait for them at the scene or somewhere safe.
Dont be a hero, you are not in your 20s, unless got passers-by, like that shout for help.
Dont carry your own weapon and use it, if it's taken by the fella, you'll kena even worse, or if you inflict very serious injury you'll also have to face the music.
Somebody use a weapon on you, dont go after him, observe his flight and call the police.
If you want to be a hero or cyber warrior then by all means pls continue to do so here and teach us what you will do. Can become like school lesson again.
The post contributions above can be found in (unless thread is deleted)... All contents are original from JoeRaj.
Taxi Driver nearly kena robbed at Hougang.
( Good job JR ).
.......stir ah stir
better cut and paste here 1st.... if not surely tio edited....
don't want to waste JR's effort...
Hence, if you guys going to type essay next door and worry it get edited and/or deleted.... can always do a cut and paste.....here (special thread created / tailored made just for you) haha.
( We learnt from BJ by the way )....
I try mai gong taxi, but some thread just very tempting to stir........
Originally posted by Rbs70:I try mai gong taxi, but some thread just very tempting to stir........
With a backup here..... they also no point edited the posts.....
but in future, pls do it yourself hor....
Since story telling, let me tell the whole story, now I free (tom off). It begins:
Friday nite sometimes I dont drive, because 1 like to do 5 nights driving (Tues to Thurs for hirer A and Sat?sun for hirer B). But this week my washing machine ki chia, plus got bills to pay so bo pian drive last Friday.
Normally once after midnight say 230 onwards on Fri/Sat, CQ got many pax, I do short working trips like SBS buses. I wont do long ones, wait must come all the way back. But last Friday, it was still early, I think around 1 am or 2 am +, CQ still not fully packed. So lan lan join the queue. Knn then my turn, got 1 FT Indian guy and his Pinoy gf, but he actually ask me nicely can go Tlk Blangah and then Hougang Ave 3. What to do, queuing what must take, But once in, he slightly tipsy but still very polite, say thanks uncle blah blah.
Anyway send his gf first then take CTE go Hougang. He was dozing off, finally reached Hougang Ave 3 near the rental blocks, he asked to stop at the bus stop. I observed a citycab taxi stopping at 1 end of the bus stop while I stop at the other end, abt 10-20 m away. Knn then this fella want to pay by Nets, so Nets la, but last friday I dunno why Nets got problem, earlier ok, but for the previous one and him, payment not approved.
He then try a few times, so I was concentrating on him, thinking knn, this fella got money or not. Then my attention was drawn to the TD in front, he came out of his cab and walked over to my cab, not very fast I must say. His pax a Chinese aged ard 20 + got out of the rear seat. I thought maybe he wanted change or something, I wind down my window, he tell me the guy tried to rob him.
I open my door, the fella already run, I then told him, faster call the police and see where that guy is going. At this point the fella already running way. He then went back to his cab and began driving. My pax then asked me to drive over the opp side where got ATM so he can try. I move forward, no sign of the robber or taxi driver. I then went opp, while he withdraw I looking at the opp side, see whether can spot the guy. Then I think saw the TD again driving out of a carpark. My pax paid and left, I went over to the other side, thinking the driver will return back but he never, I then went into the nearby carpaks (hougang Ave 5 and 7) to see whether can spot the robber or the taxi driver.
But no sign of either. I return a final time to the scene, the driver also not around and no police was activated. I call also no use, because I not the victim, the victim dont want to call, I call for what?
Now coming to the issues raised by our learned taxi mentor next door?
a) Why I never help? Errm I think presence made the robber get cold feet, earlier he was alone with the TD @ the busstop.
b) If he kena robbed, and then ask a fellow cabby for help, that cabby say call the police, he will fuck him, say 'you think I dunno how to call police?' Very interesting way to ask for help, to ask and then fuck.
Bbut do you know that most ppl when in state of shock, go blank and even the most logical thing dont do. Did BJ call the police starightaway (dunno who did, he or passerby) or did he activate panic button? I think not.
c) Said he will tell the pax, 'today is free trip for you' and then go after the robber with the victim. Says money is not important. But when his own best friend kena attack did he rush down? Nope he despatched his another 'junior', ok fair enough that's good or enough we say, but did he forgo rental, his time and money and go to the assailant's supposed place of residence over the next few days? Nope, he didnt forgo his rental or his earnings, but instead went online ranting and blaming the police, justice system etc. Even got the time to edit posts, but no time to forgo his money and be proactive on the ground.
Coming back to this action I should have taken according to him. Let's see, here the robber has a headstart, is much fitter, maybe is stronger or has a weapon, is it correct to go after him, when the victim and me are neither fit nor young? What happen if really say only 1 of us manage to catch up with the robber (the other couldn't), say I try to apprehend him, then he whip out a knife and attack me how? Here no injury took place now become injury case.
Or put another way based on his idea, that tag team works better. Here tag team means, a) I must get my pax to leave the cab, it will take a few seconds. b ) then I must get out lock the cab c) the victim must do likewise. This whole exercise will take say 20-30 seconds, the robber already run away, now he has a headstart of say 1 miniute or more than 200m, wah we old men will become Olympic runner and manage to catch him? Say then we forgo points 2 and 3, just leave everything, maybe I even leave my pax behind in the cab and chase after.
Later lan lan, go here and there cannot find, or if find, must still be down there away from the unattendended cabs until the police arrive. Say after come back, neither taxi is there how? Who gonna answer for that? Or say if the robber saw us coming run back take the cab and drive off how? Or passersby take the cab for joyride> Say if either of them got involved in an accident and injure or kill somebody how? We both can kiss goodbye to taxi driving, our families and other ppll hv to suffer, why? because we wanted to be heroes!
d) He says as an ex-cop I should know better and help more. But what exactly does the police say to do in such cases? Yes, exactly what I said.
e) Finally should I hv collected my fare or was I being selfish? The attempt already over, the driver went back into his cab to drive off, maybe he went to look for the guy. He also suppose to call for the police and report any observations he sees of the suspect. The police for this kind of case will respond pretty fast, within 10 mins, maybe even 5 mins.
That was the crucial part, if done, why shouldnt I complete my fare and then go and join the driver around the vicinity or at the scene if he remained?
If say, when I was there, the robber and TD were struggling and he shouting for help, or kena stabbed etc, then I must abandon my pax and cab also and go to his rescue. If taxi stolen, leceh, but at least got justifiable reason. But the danger not present anymore, then wanna be hero for what?
Next door he only talk and whine and complaint, say will do this or that, make big statements, trumpetting his own importance and points, but when dissected, all hollow.
Originally posted by Rbs70:
.......stir ah stir
isnt it our fav pastime??
Originally posted by JoeRaj:Now coming to the issues raised by our learned taxi mentor next door?
a) Why I never help? Errm I think presence made the robber get cold feet, earlier he was alone with the TD @ the busstop.
b) If he kena robbed, and then ask a fellow cabby for help, that cabby say call the police, he will fuck him, say 'you think I dunno how to call police?' Very interesting way to ask for help, to ask and then fuck.
Bbut do you know that most ppl when in state of shock, go blank and even the most logical thing dont do. Did BJ call the police starightaway (dunno who did, he or passerby) or did he activate panic button? I think not.
c) Said he will tell the pax, 'today is free trip for you' and then go after the robber with the victim. Says money is not important. But when his own best friend kena attack did he rush down? Nope he despatched his another 'junior', ok fair enough that's good or enough we say, but did he forgo rental, his time and money and go to the assailant's supposed place of residence over the next few days? Nope, he didnt forgo his rental or his earnings, but instead went online ranting and blaming the police, justice system etc. Even got the time to edit posts, but no time to forgo his money and be proactive on the ground.
Coming back to this action I should have taken according to him. Let's see, here the robber has a headstart, is much fitter, maybe is stronger or has a weapon, is it correct to go after him, when the victim and me are neither fit nor young? What happen if really say only 1 of us manage to catch up with the robber (the other couldn't), say I try to apprehend him, then he whip out a knife and attack me how? Here no injury took place now become injury case.
Or put another way based on his idea, that tag team works better. Here tag team means, a) I must get my pax to leave the cab, it will take a few seconds. b ) then I must get out lock the cab c) the victim must do likewise. This whole exercise will take say 20-30 seconds, the robber already run away, now he has a headstart of say 1 miniute or more than 200m, wah we old men will become Olympic runner and manage to catch him? Say then we forgo points 2 and 3, just leave everything, maybe I even leave my pax behind in the cab and chase after.
Later lan lan, go here and there cannot find, or if find, must still be down there away from the unattendended cabs until the police arrive. Say after come back, neither taxi is there how? Who gonna answer for that? Or say if the robber saw us coming run back take the cab and drive off how? Or passersby take the cab for joyride> Say if either of them got involved in an accident and injure or kill somebody how? We both can kiss goodbye to taxi driving, our families and other ppll hv to suffer, why? because we wanted to be heroes!
d) He says as an ex-cop I should know better and help more. But what exactly does the police say to do in such cases? Yes, exactly what I said.
e) Finally should I hv collected my fare or was I being selfish? The attempt already over, the driver went back into his cab to drive off, maybe he went to look for the guy. He also suppose to call for the police and report any observations he sees of the suspect. The police for this kind of case will respond pretty fast, within 10 mins, maybe even 5 mins.
That was the crucial part, if done, why shouldnt I complete my fare and then go and join the driver around the vicinity or at the scene if he remained?
If say, when I was there, the robber and TD were struggling and he shouting for help, or kena stabbed etc, then I must abandon my pax and cab also and go to his rescue. If taxi stolen, leceh, but at least got justifiable reason. But the danger not present anymore, then wanna be hero for what?
Next door he only talk and whine and complaint, say will do this or that, make big statements, trumpetting his own importance and points, but when dissected, all hollow.
Yo JR,
indeed a very detail "long" reply essay from you.... luckily I read it when I am fully awake.
Talking is always cheap to others .... "why u never do this.... why u never go chase....."
He could has easily represents the Singapore in the next Olympics in Brazil in 2016. Who will run faster ? The robber at 20+ or a Taxi Driver at 30-40+ ?
Not many people wears their underwear inside out.....
if u chase.....
will u get into unforseen injury......if u are injured....
will your dependents survive w/o u ? and yet got to pay for your medical bills...?
Some may argue.... why think so much....?
we are human beings, we have brains.
we think and analysed the situation before executing the decision........
Mvp30sg suan siao rbs.....
My response to him.....
================better copied here, in case kena edited ==============
Anyone can post in TD forum lah....
not only Rbs.... Me a Moderator in limo forum cannot post in TD forum meh ? I also invited Poolman to post his opinions in limo forum....
Sgforums is the mothership for all subforums.... everyone can post their opinions. If the respective subforums moderator doesn't like our posting to his satisfaction... he can chose to edit... no problem about it....
but chasing any people whom have access to internet away from the subforums are unbelievable.
Maybe Sgforums administrator can banned the IP address of certain users.... but never on subforums.
unless this is a personal website, but it is not the case.... it is a national forum page.... anyone can post their views.
next door having war....between rbs70 and mvp30sg
better copied my post here....
===================My reply to Mvp30sg=========================
Maybe u haven't been into online forums long enough....
I have been participating in online forums since the mid 1990s....
If everything we get angry about..... I think I could not have live until 2013..... @ many times, there are people trying all ways to make you annoy and angry.... If u really gets angry.... they achieved their objective.....
BJ had said many things in forums that made ppl felt uneasy... U can track back his past contributions to understand more.... It is not that we are mean to him... we are just returning him a favour.... an eye for an eye.... an apple for an apple.... very simple.
sooner or later....
the thread Taxi Driver nearly kena robbed at Hougang.
will disappear if there are continuous.....
Looking back I can safely say, if the situation happened exactly like that again, I will do the same things again.
Originally posted by JoeRaj:Looking back I can safely say, if the situation happened exactly like that again, I will do the same things again.
Our own safety is still number 1 in our checklist.....
Do you know that all policemen are deemed on duty 24 hours not during working hours?
Yet even the police teach their staff, dont be hero, you off duty, not ampai carry gun, dont go and intervene if dangerous. Observe, call the emergency services and render assistance if possible.
Police also never teach their staff to be heroes. Even if you alone on duty in the police post and say a robbery happened in the next block, you're NOT supposed to abandon your post and go and help. Call for back up. If really must then you have to lock the post up, this of course takes sometime.
You abandon your post, things get stolen, say a gun, walkie talkie or whatever, you will be charged in court for negligence.
Originally posted by JoeRaj:Do you know that all policemen are deemed on duty 24 hours not during working hours?
Yet even the police teach their staff, dont be hero, you off duty, not ampai carry gun, dont go and intervene if dangerous. Observe, call the emergency services and render assistance if possible.
Police also never teach their staff to be heroes. Even if you alone on duty in the police post and say a robbery happened in the next block, you're NOT supposed to abandon your post and go and help. Call for back up. If really must then you have to lock the post up, this of course takes sometime.
You abandon your post, things get stolen, say a gun, walkie talkie or whatever, you will be charged in court for negligence.
That's why u know the procedures....
we need more forummers like you to give us advices....
some of these "iron-teeth" people = stubborn people alway assumed their ways are the right ways...
once they get injured or injured people.... then they will realised that they have to learn from the HARD WAY.