Haha... Wat i heard is that it's not the girls toilet above the SCroom that is haunted. It's the one rite the the other end, the girls toilet converted to a boys toilet that one. It was said to be converted into a boys toilet cos a female ghost was supposedly spotted there. They say she was an ex-tjcian who committed suicide in the toilet lor. Then, suppsoedly, the boys "yang qi" (if u noe wat i mean) can help suppress the ghost, so it was converted into a boys toilet lor. But quite stupid lar, think the conversions were for more practical reasons lor. If the boys toilet on the second floor were not converted to a girls one, the girls would have to walk such a long way if they were coming from the canteen that direction lor. This can be quite a nuisance especially it they seriously need to do "business" lor... Maybe the principal was in a hurry and shitted in her skirt that's y she change lor.. think that's the only relation between the principal and the conversion of toilets... Hee