A woman born with no arms is proving to children they can achieve whatever they want to - by teaching them with her feet.
Mary Gannon, who works at a Lakewood, Ohio middle school, writes on the board, types on her computer and hands out worksheets with her toes.
Ms Gannon, who teaches maths and science, grew up in a Mexican orphanage and was adopted by an Ohio family when she was seven
She joined the school last year as a substitute teacher and now tutors 6th, 7th and 8th graders full-time, driving to work in a car with the number plate: 'Happy Feet.'
'I’m doing what I wanted to do, what I love to do,' she said. 'And if you set your mind to whatever you want to do and you love to do then - go for it - no one can stop you.'
She said she does not like being called handicapped or even different 'because it has a negative bias', she said
But 'if it’s gonna inspire or help people for them to be or do better in their lives then I’m okay with that and I hope that people gain something from me,' she said.
The students said Ms Gannon had shown them that they could overcome their struggles.
'She inspires me because she [shows me] how good I can get at some math problems cause I’m not really that good at math,' 6th grader Jaden Johnson told Fox.
'It teaches you that you can do anything you want to do no matter what,' Cambri Griffin, in 8th grade, told the Lakewood Patch.
Fellow teachers at Harding Middle School agreed Gannon was a great example to the student.
'I think people are gonna say, "If she can do it, I certainly can do it",' said Assistant Principal Joe Tackacs