A dog named Pay de Limon (Lemon Pay) runs fitted with two front prosthetic legs at Milagros Caninos rescue shelter in Mexico City August 29, 2012. Members of a drug gang in the Mexican state of Zacatecas chopped off Limon's paws to practise cutting fingers off kidnapped people, according to Milagros Caninos founder Patricia Ruiz. Fresnillo residents found Limon in a dumpster bleeding and legless.
After administering first aid procedures, they managed to take him to Milagros Caninos, an association that rehabilitates dogs that have suffered extreme abuse. The prosthetic limbs were made at OrthoPets in Denver, US, after the shelter was able to raise over $6,000
A veterinarian removes Pay de Limon's (Lemon Pay) front prosthetic leg at the Milagros Caninos rescue shelter in Mexico City Aug 29, 2012