The Heaven and Earth Brothers, an unlikely duo comprised of Asia’s tallest and China’s shortest man, are currently performing in a month long series of shows to raise funds £50,000 (more than US $77,000) for a home for disabled orphans in Chongqing.
Xu Guoyuan, who is 7 feet, 10 inches tall, and 3 feet, 4inches tall, Zhang Huan, have set themselves up as a double act, and without saying a single word the physical contrast between them makes people laugh.
Together, they do comedy skits and perform magic tricks before a delighted audience.
“We live together now which means we have to have everything at different heights; two toilets, two sinks, two kitchen tops…Luckily, we save on transport because I can just pop Huan in my pocket,” says Xu.
The two have become overnight sensations and were mobbed by fans when they arrived in Chongqing to perform their shows.
The long and the short of it is that what unites and defines us as human beings is our ability to lend a helping hand to those in need. Take a look at these two hands and there seems to be little left to say.