Apr 04, 2011 12:03pm
WOMAN saves on rent by living in an apartment so small that she has to sit sideways to use her toilet and she can't sit up in bed.
The bathroom is so cramped that Felice Cohen has to sit on her side to use the toilet.
She told the Daily Mail the apartment felt so cramped on the first night she slept there, she suffered a panic attack.
However, three years on Ms Cohen says it's been worth it, with her rent coming in at just $US700 ($672), while her neighbours pay around $US3000 ($2880) for a small apartment to live in the exclusive Manhattan enclave.
"I wanted to live in Manhattan, but I didn't want it to take all my money and found this place through a friend," said Ms Cohen.
"It's a great location, its right near Central Park."
Ms Cohen works as a personal organiser and quickly put her professional skills to the test in making the tiny sliver of space liveable. First she installed a desk with draws above and then removed the wardrobe doors and replaced them with a thin curtain. She stores fruit in a toaster oven, owns just two plates, one knife, fork and spoon and has cut down on personal items like clothing.
There is no kitchen but Ms Cohen has a hot pot and a small fridge to compensate.
"I guess I just think that people have too much space and so much stuff. I grew up in a house with two walk-in closets that are about as big as my entire apartment is now, but I've cut down," she said.
"How much stuff do we really need? It's less than you think."
.....looks quite comfortable and cozy. Anyway, who's that guy in the apartment?