1 more thing to add is, when this SUN HO or watever her name is, b4 her career at US, who is the 1 funding all the living expenses, production crews and who else knows how much more $$$$$$$$ is needed to try to make it there without a "REAL" music producer making the music album for her. so make a wild guess where she finds all the $$$$$$$$$ to fund her career.
as i read on her loopholes blog on she making millions of CD, then very simple, all of these transactions will sure have a record, as to who is the REAL MUSIC PRODUCER who made the CD for her, and I am sure if this SUN HO has evidents that she made all these $$$$$$$$ and use her own $$$$$$$$ at a later stage to upkeep her lifestyle in LA, she would have brought it out to the public.
beside, if she is selling sooooooooo wellllllll on her CD(not those time she force her chc members to buy) i mean millions of CD she claims, why there isnt a very popular or famous music producer want to sign contract with her????????????
this SUN HO and KONG HEE think singaporean are dumb, cant anyhow cheat our $$$$$$$$.
Originally posted by KongKeeeeee:1 more thing to add is, when this SUN HO or watever her name is, b4 her career at US, who is the 1 funding all the living expenses, production crews and who else knows how much more $$$$$$$$ is needed to try to make it there without a "REAL" music producer making the music album for her. so make a wild guess where she finds all the $$$$$$$$$ to fund her career.
as i read on her loopholes blog on she making millions of CD, then very simple, all of these transactions will sure have a record, as to who is the REAL MUSIC PRODUCER who made the CD for her, and I am sure if this SUN HO has evidents that she made all these $$$$$$$$ and use her own $$$$$$$$ at a later stage to upkeep her lifestyle in LA, she would have brought it out to the public.
beside, if she is selling sooooooooo wellllllll on her CD(not those time she force her chc members to buy) i mean millions of CD she claims, why there isnt a very popular or famous music producer want to sign contract with her????????????
this SUN HO and KONG HEE think singaporean are dumb, cant anyhow cheat our $$$$$$$$.
From what i read, she comes from a rich family,moreover she and husband in the fashion business so may be use money from these 2 sources to produce CD or may be she really use church fund to produce CD. Don't know, only they and God know.
Whatever, she is portraying very bad christian image to the world.
hmm, ya i heard she came from rich family, but ur family has got to be super rich to fund your lifestyle from wat i gathered, her family may not be as rich as we think. so i guess it only voice down to the $$$$$$ is coming from poor chc church goers who thought their $$$$$ was given to farther God's Kingdom and God's work but it has gone to Kong Hee, SUN HO and the other 16 or 17 people personal gain.
anyway I have check with some of the people who works for the authority, CAD or our Govt would not make the investigating public if CAD has no hard and solid evidents.
to end it all, if I am wrong in accusing them they have cheated, then i will apologise and ask God to forgive my statement i have made on them, but if they are guilty, they should be put behind bars and repent from their mistakes and move on with their lives.
if a person who wants to start a church by making their own selfish gain, dun start 1. dun spoiled the good name of the Lord Jesus Christ. i have spoken to some frens, they are losing more faith in christianilty after the news of chc broke up and most of them firmly believes that they are guilty cos their sentiment is the same as my on CAD only has concrete evidents b4 they make it public.
but will still give kong hee & sun a benefit of doubts, pray that i , no it is we(christian) are wrong in accusing them.
anyway, that church not a sound church to attend. I will not recommend people attend that church.
Go watch the video on Kong Hee asked church people to sell houses to donate to church.
wow he even asked pple to sell houses???? got the link mah???
City Harvest replaces Kong Hee
IT MAY be a while before City Harvest Church founder Kong Hee takes to the pulpit again.
On Friday, the megachurch said it had replaced Mr Kong, 46, as the head of the church ministry. Mr Kong is expected to stay out of the spotlight until the current investigations into the misuse of church funds are complete.
The seat is now shared by two senior pastors, Mr Derek Dunn and Mr Aries Zulkarnain. Both men are well-known personalities at City Harvest. Mr Dunn is its executive pastor and Mr Zulkarnain is one of the church's founding members.
The move, however, does not put Mr Kong completely out of the picture. He remains the president and chairman fo the church's 10-member management board. Meanwhile, the church has also hired a team of experts to help its case in the ongoing investigations.
They include Senior Counsel Michael Hwang, considered one of the best in commercial arbitration in the legal world, together with Mr Desmond Ong, manager director of law firm Eversheds LLP. An independent auditor has also been asked to look into the church's corporate governance structure and internal processes.
Mr Kong is represented by Allen & Gledhill. Lawyers representing Mr Kong and the church declined to comment on the leadership change and ongoing police inquiry.
-- ST
i supposed since he engaged attorney it is highly possible that there are cases against him
the whole CHC ministry and board should step down and let a new one take over.
i volunteer to take over at CHC............
i promise.........i swear to God...........
i'll ''makan'' much less money than Dong Kee and Slut Ho..............
i not greedy one, 3 condos enough for me liao !
plus 1 Ferrari !
City Harvest Pastor Kong Hee gives sermons for 2nd day running
SINGAPORE: For the second day running, Pastor Kong Hee spoke at his City Harvest Church services.
The pastor had been out of the spotlight since investigations into alleged misuse of church funds started a month back, and he was replaced as head of the church a few days ago.
Although replaced by two senior pastors as head of the church
ministry, Pastor Kong Hee still heads the church's management board as
its president and chairman.
On Saturday, Pastor Kong Hee spoke at the church service at Jurong West
and then at an evening service at the Singapore Expo.
On Sunday, he was again present at both services. Members gave him a
thunderous applause when he appeared on stage to speak.
Paster Kong Hee spoke for some 45 minutes at both locations.
And despite the official probe, church members said they are with the
"So far I have not doubted him, even though there's been lot of bad
news," said a church member.
"We really rose up to the occasion, understanding things around us, and
that it's not easy for him to go through such things," said another.
"The whole church actually trusts him a lot. We all have faith in him,
no matter what," said a third.
- CNA/ir
maybe Dong Kee will also collect tithes in prison after converting all the inmates there ?
even the prison guards also give him tithes !
than he will preach forgiveness.....thats how it works.