I covered an event as a photographer at the Esplanade. They allowed me to use my camera bcos the VIP is the president mr S R Nathan. At Esplanade all photography is banned. This shows that they are not interested in the service to the customers. their only interest is revenue from teh rental of the concert hall. the reason given by them is that photogrpahy will distract the patrons watching the show. do they know how important is profssional photogrpahy for events. The organisers were disappointed when they were told by the bouncers. yes the security staff are like bouncers. very arrogant and unfriendly. Only the rules are important to them. I was pushed around by the security staff and when I was covering the event at the hall with their permission. Someone was standing behind my back and looking over my shoulder to ensure I do not use the flash
This was very disturbing and I felt very uncomfortable. when I contfronted the security during the break they telling me how to use my camera as if I am now to this profession. Their tone was very harsh. They do not smile or greet U. Very similar to North Korea
So in future if U organise any events choose a diffferent venue where the enironment is very conducive and confortable for U with no red tapes.
You mean you cannot take pictures of the Esplanade or the events being held at the Esplanade?
For performances, it's the standard rule right?
I managed to take clips and some pictures when West Side Story was playing.
No flash, the picture is bad.
you take this up with the people performing.. usually they have this stipulation...
No flash seems common in many places.
it's common sense as the flash would definitely affect the performers... Imagine you are performing and thousand of people flashing their flash lights on you...
As a professional photographer someone who gets paid for taking official photos at an event hired by organizers its the photographer's responsibility to check out all details of the event and what not to do with the organizers, though it will be good for the organizer person in charge of the photographer to brief them on what not to do too. The dos and don't as SOP and routine procedure. Especially in very formal events with lots of VIPs. No flash for musical concerts is common. That is why now even some camera manufactureres like Nikon introduces discreet shutter mode on their entry level DSLRs.
As a concert pianist(I have performed at the Esplanade and Victoria Concert Hall) who does performances along with others about 3 times per year, I find it very disturbing when there is flash photography while the performer is playing the piece.
I remember there was once I was almost done through with Beethoven's Pathetique 3rd Mov at VCH, and there was this idiot on the front row who used his flash. I was at the third last bar and my mind suddenly went blank...
Luckily for me I managed to finish the piece, albeit with half a second awkward pause... I went offstage cursing that idiot...
SO TO ALL! Please please for the performance's sakes DO NOT use flash photography! Thanks!!!
The organizer or place should have certain sets of restrictions during performances, including limitations on photography gears and methods of those professionals who are paid to capture the moments during the concert performance. I guess no one restricted that so i presume the photographer uses whatever methods he see fit at that moment.
Originally posted by Farmerseed:The organizer or place should have certain sets of restrictions during performances, including limitations on photography gears and methods of those professionals who are paid to capture the moments during the concert performance. I guess no one restricted that so i presume the photographer uses whatever methods he see fit at that moment.
There are guidelines actually.
Is just sometimes some donks dun follow dat...
That's a funny one
The people in charge should have people at the side, like security or organiser whom are briefed in details what the photographer can and cannot do or use. I understand its music you are creating but since lots of patience and love should be put into art why not take this as an opportunity for you to work on your concentration? Try to make music with your heart so that one day if you are blinded you can still produce the music grade you has been making or even more.
Some concerts don't even allow photography.