Set in Portland, Oregon, the film involves a serial killer who rigs contraptions that kill his victims based on the number of hits received by a website ("") that features a livestreaming video of the victim. Millions of people log on, hastening the victims' violent deaths. Lane plays the protagonist, a cybercop named Jennifer Marsh, who pieces the mystery together at great risk to herself and her family.
Apparently, someone made a copycat website based on the show, Untraceable...and this website blocked all gov filters so they wun be detected..i guess if u can stomach such torture..u can go ahead and see..
it's real?
yeah..i was engrossed leh..every 1 minute, the tool comes nearer...'s true!
Abit disgusting looking at the guy got hung
yeah i know watching people die can sometimes be too much for the both of u
latest update...
The guy is going to get killed very soon..possibly in the next 10 minutes!
im so twisted watching 3 dead
_|_ -.-_|_
something will pop out. for kids only
not scary but very lame
lmao chao master.. edit my post