~~ Y.E.S 93.3 FM Sms Song List Service~~
Want to know the song title you are listening now? or the previous song and the next song you are listening. sms "YES" to 72346, each sms cost SGD$0.30
Please comment on the service provided by them.
For me, i like the service because whenever i want to find out what song their playing so i can go and find the song that i like. what about comment from others?
sms 93.3 to play your fav song!!
Originally posted by Roderick a.k.a Guai Kia:sms 93.3 to play your fav song!!
wrong la... lol . this service is when 93.3fm playing the song. if u wan the title of the song u may sms "yes" to 72346 to get the song title ^^.
use this url. faster and no need to pay!