My first post in this forum (good luck!).
Make a guess before reading the letters below the picture. What bus is this? What body does it have? Have fun guessing before reading the rest.
ISO800 1/15 f8 at 24mm, centre weighted average with aperture piority.
An upgrade for our CDGE bodies? This is a Wright Bodied B9TL afterall!
Shot on Service 104 Kennedy Town (Hong Kong Island) to Pak Tin Estate (Kowloon).
Buses in HK have looser speed limitations and I must say, those B9TLs in HK have better performance than those here in home grounds. 4 speed ZF gearbox with maximum of 75-80km/h to run.
Bus in picture is Kowloon Motor Bus (KMB), rego MG4804, more or less a perm bus according to the station master's list in Pak Tin Terminus. This particular service runs for about an hour, with about twenty perm buses on the route. Besides the speed, interesting facts would include the absence of a timesheet, and lots and lots of perm buses. Give them service 190 here and they would ensure 50-60 perm buses on the route.
Think about super efficiency...