My name is Christina Choo with organizers from Halide Pictures, Rockstar Collective, HOME Club and ECO Singapore On the 1st of May, Labour day, we are organizing a Landmark event currently called "RSC Block Party", to use the glamour of Local music, fashion and the arts to help raise awareness for an environmentally friendly lifestyle and also covering animal rights and oceanic reef issues amongst the youth of Singapore. To promote an eco-friendly lifestyle amongst youths.
We have come to you with a plea of help, in supporting us with a movement initiative we are trying to start amongst the youth and young adults of Singapore, by means of starting a trend and building up a habit of being eco-conscious, in a fun and interactive way. Everyone's invited! The street concert is free entry for all! We need your avid participation!
Visit us on
You can read about how this came about on the online Magazine, Culture push, on :
1) Band line up:
1)Amateur Takes Control
2)Karl Maka
5)The Analog Girl
6)The Bushmen
7)The Great Spy Experiment
8)Plain Sunset
2) Also the DJ programming @ Blu Jaz Cafe. and much much more!!!
3) We are also inviting the support from Peta, Acres, SPCA, NEA & Metta school
4) Main Attraction besides the music is the Fashion & Flea Markets, happening from 10am - 10pm (table rental open to anybody & everybody!!!).
The Fashion Show will showcase Haji Lane's apparel as well as any up and coming local fashion designers and student's from apparel design schools.
5) Please don't hesitate to call me back at any time should you have any queries. Any support you might be able to offer would be greatly appreciated, and what ever you do, make sure you spread the word so everyone can come! We would gladly try to accommodate any interesting ideas into our programs or markets.
6) contact us, would be the same number as our office line, 62529885, and same contact us as our halide pictures one.
Producers: Chrissie Choo
& Mike Chew
Bands Music & Programming : Razi Razak Rockstar Collective
Fashion & flea Markets: Christy Chow (for rental of booth space & application for Fashion Show)
DJ Music & Programming : Kelvin Tan
Here are links for further information on the event. please get back to me should you need a press release or Poster and Graphics works.. Thank you.
Dear All,
Due to overwhelming addition local talents we are trying to incorporate into the party, the RSC block party will be postponed till further notice.
Stay tuned for more details on
Don't worry, we will be back bigger, better and with more programmes.
If you want or have friends who wish to participate in the RSC Block Party, be it arts, fashion or music, feel free to contact us at
Thank You.
hmmm.. i wonder if the sleazy part of Kampong Glam will also go celebrate?
RSC Block Party – is an eco-solutions festival, a free entry for all, local rock concert to raise awareness on how to live an environmentally sustainable lifestyle. To use music and the arts to raise awareness for environmental issues, covering animal rights, oceanic reef and global disaster issues as a result of environmental problems, by means of starting a trend and building up a habit of being eco-conscious.
The focus will be on education and solutions as to how to do our part to help save the planet. By first bringing up awareness in a fun and engaging way, through music and arts to start a youth movement initiative amongst the youth between the ages of 16-35, where they can relate to and find an identity which will empower themselves to take action to walk the talk, through all these little steps.
Local bands and artists will be performing for free in hopes of exhibiting their participation of leading by means of example, and local artists will be gracing the event to publicly make pledges on living an eco-friendly lifestyle. This full day festival filled event will not only be a one-day event but start a revolution of environmental exhibits, activities and volunteer opportunities to come in the near future. Be it in disaster relief, fund raising activities or other raising of awareness programs throughout the year, while giving the opportunity for volunteer work with various NGOs present at the event.
The event will kick start at 11am with flea market on in the concourse area with NGO tables teased right through them, accompanied by local guest DJs to fill the air with smooth tunes.
Guest of Honour Eunice Olsen, will start the main stage off at 12.30pm followed by a theatrical play by LaSalle students.
There will be 10 local bands playing on the main stage.
Schools are invited to host Flea market tables as entrepreneur opportunities with discount incentives and be part of the programs of the day.
Some tertiary schools have been invited to give a hand at guest DJ for the main hall, both invitations to help in line with the program to empowering the youth to embrace their youth and their talents and creativity.
Introduction of SWOP, where guest are invited to bring clothes in to recycle/swop with others. Any leftovers will be donated to Salvation Army.
There will be a VIP room with guest DJ sets being played for the VIPs at various times during the day.
There will be a photo competition and a video competition submission, based on a theme that is to be announced on the 12th of July.
There will be an on-going photo competition hosted by Bintan Resorts, for best picture to be taken with their coconut face, throughout the whole day.
There will also be Lucky Draw for the raffle tickets with attractive prizes to be won.