Richard Gere Kiss Sparks Uproar - Gere Issued Warrant For
*Indian Kiss
Richard Gere is in big trouble for his public 'Indian' kiss earlier this month. Richard sparked outrage among the communities of India when he gave a smooch to Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty at an HIV-Awareness event in New Delhi.
The kiss, which Shilpa didn't seem to mind so much, was a few exaggerated pecks on the actress' cheek, but it angered the people of India. It is not the same there as it is in America, so the people protested the kiss, and a court judge issued an arrest warrant for the American actor for violating India's Public Obscenity Laws.
The judge who issued the warrant said the kiss "transgressed all limits of vulgarity," according to published reports.
If you've ever watched movies of India, they never show kissing. No one has public displays of affection in India, because it is considered to be obscene, inappropriate, and vulgar. Yes, they over-reacted - how could Richard have possibly known that kissing a woman on the cheek would cause an uproar? It's ok in America, so he assumed it's ok everywhere else.
While it really wasn't Richard's fault, he apologized to all who were offended in statement issued by the 'Heroes Project', an organization Richard Gere co-founded to fight AIDS in India: "What is most important to me is that my intentions as an HIV/AIDS advocate be made clear, and that my friends in India understand that it has never been, nor could it ever be, my intention to offend you."
"If that has happened, of course it is easy for me to offer a sincere apology."
The communities of India need to be more understanding. Richard didn't know any better, and his organization and help should not go overlooked over a kiss.