Most importantly is it aggressive to guppies?
this is the best fish in the world..and perhaps the last mermaid specie...
Originally posted by Setan1500:
[url=][img][/img][/url][url=]fish 2[/url] by [url=]setan1500[/url], on FlickrOH MAI GOD I CANT GET THE PHOTO TO APPEAR
i only manage to get the picture out from the red link, pls make sure that you urls are correct
Nvm it okay its only 1 picture aniwae thanks :)
Originally posted by Fcukpap:this is the best fish in the world..and perhaps the last mermaid specie...
looks like lemon tetra.
It is the Serpae Tetra that originates from Paraguay,South America.It does not fit well with fishes with long fins like bettas and guppies cos it would nibble their fins.