As Ironside said:
This corner here is not for debates and contentions but for edification and strengthening of fellow Christians. I would like to solicit the support of other Christians here in this forum to please support this corner by posting messages that edify fellow believers. Anytime you have been blessed by your reading of the Scriptures in your personal devotionsÂ…Â…please feel free to post it here and share your spiritual blessings to us.
If ever you find something posted in this corner that you disagreeÂ…Â…please just keep it to yourself but just find and look for things that edify in the post and appropriate it to yourself.
“………………….. Let all things be done for edification.” [1 Corinthians 14:26]
Although the immediate context of that verse is about worship service in the ChurchÂ….I believe that that goes to all other aspects in our lives.
As much as possible keep your postings short and concise.
I appeal to my brothers and sisters here to please support this cornerÂ….anyway this is for our edification. Fellow Christians this is our ministry to our fellow Christians.