Originally posted by Icemoon:
Ok .. I encountered a few problems while trying to photograph my "models".
1. Backdrop - I thinking of pasting mahjong paper over a big cardboard .. good idea?
2. Lighting - what is the best setup? What kind of light? What angle to the model etc ..
Any advice?
My backdrops are all self constructed. I am fortunately enough to have access to different colored sheetings. A cheap way is to go to Popular bookstore and purchase some large size craft paper. Masking tapes and/or clothes peg can help secure these papers onto the wall, or shelving.
Lighting - again, unless I do this as tharn jiak, I have no more money to buy actual photo lighting.... currently I am using a floor standing lamp with energy saving bulb. I will position my light on where I want it to shine. My only problem is that the height of the lamp is not adjustable.
I also use white cards/sheets as reflectors.
Camera - fortunately my camera has a relatively good zoom as well as macro mode. I tend to use the timer all the time as this will allow the camera to stop moving (at the press of the shutter button).
I am a cheapskate.. cannot afford to purchase the real accessories.