Originally posted by Komasancry456:I plan to retake my A level as a private candidate this year. Since seab doesnt offer old h2 science syllabus this year,will my spa result in 2016 be carried over to the new science syllabus if i take the new syallbus?
The seab website wrote Private candidates who sat for 9646 H2 Physics, 9647 H2 Chemistry or 9648 H2 Biology in 2016 as school candidates and who wish to register for these subjects in 2017 may email their application to contact@moe.gov.sg.
2 College Avenue West, Singapore 138607
Originally posted by cupcakes1:I got Chem-C , Math -C, Econs -C, H1 -D GP-B , and PW-B so in total CCC/DBB, UAP 69.
My preferred choice is SOCIAL SCIENCE in smu or is but I don’t think can get in
I’m not a science kind of person, I don’t want to do engineering?
What are my options?
I’m not sure if i should retake, I’m a student who repeated Sec 4 and jc1 (due to BOTH stupidity and laziness) so I’ve already wasted 2 years of my life…
I want to go to UNI, not start work
Yo cupcakes,been a while since you last posted here, :P. Haven't heard from you for a long time.
I had many friends with similar scores, who applied to local uni with similar results and gotten admission.(though not in social sciences)
I think you can still consider applying to SMU and NTU HSS under DA admission,try to put 1st choice for the courses you want and prepare for interviews if you have gotten DA admissions.
At worst,you can still get to local uni but settle for other courses apart from humanities or try private uni for social science programmes.
Best of luck,
a mugger
Regardless of your initial motivation for entering Medicine, even if it's not as selflessly noble as some other applicants, what matters the most is the good you can contribute to society and to humanity as a medical doctor, regardless of your initial motivations.
There are many, many, many different roles, specialties and subspecialties, that you can take up to contribute as a medical doctor, so don't worry about that now. From frontline ER doctors and surgeons, to family General Practitioners, to backend medical researchers, you'll be able to find a role that best fits you, but all that comes after graduation, so don't worry about that now.
Between Chemistry and Biology...
If you're equally interested in both, go for a double degree (hellishly demanding) or double major (very demanding), or one major and one minor (somewhat demanding), or just one major with no minor (least demanding, and the path chosen by majority of Uni students), in Chemistry and Biology. Otherwise, if you only choose one subject to read in Uni, research and check out professional career pathways for each subject major, before deciding. Besides, at Uni leve, every subject has many specialties and subspecialties, some of which you might prefer Bio, some of which you might prefer Chem. So it's not so straightforward, consider all options carefully with an open mind while applying, and after that, when choosing to accept whichever courses you've successfully applied into.
Originally posted by Jasmine855:Hi, I’m a JC graduate who has just receive her A level results.
I got As in GP, 4H2s and O level HCL, with B in PW. I have been considering applying for a science course in either NUS or NTU ,such as chemistry,pharmacy,life sciences etc.1) Medicine?
I ruled out medicine as I thought it’s out of the question, as I didn’t expect to get nearly straight As + my lack of good CCA records &consistent CIP. However, seeing my results, my mum asked me to try for medicine, saying that I might have chance of getting in. I could only apply to NUS since I didn’t take the BMAT for NTU.The main question would be of course:whether I have a passion in serving as a doctor. To be honest, I don’t really have a clear idea. I enjoyed learning the various body systems and diseases in Sec 4 Bio but have never seriously considered to enter medicine. My interest in Bio is reduced in JC as we started learning micro things instead of the human body.
Qn: What do medicine students really study? Would it be back to Sec4 Bio kind of syllabus but of higher level?I joined Red Cross as a CCA in JC because I don’t really have other choices and I was slightly interested in the various first aid equipment like which is used to treat what. Throughout the 1.5 years, I’ve only volunteered a few times outside of school as a first aider(as I was struggling with JC academically). Seeing other fellow passionate first aiders I was inspired by their commitment. I also learnt the joy of serving as the casualty thanked me after I helped them bandage their wounds. However, I also discovered a problem with myself, that is I’m afraid to talk with strangers, let alone offering support/comfort for the casualty,using words. Although I care about them, I don’t dare to show it. I have no idea why I have grown into such a shy person <- this is what I heard from quite a few people.
My other concern would be my mediocre CCA record, which is quite important to enter medicine apart from grades right? I have no CCA positions throughout my life and also no stellar CIP records(as I mentioned-have to keep mugging in jc). I don’t think I still have chance for medicine =_= Actually I have applied for two attachments to hospitals so as to enrich my experience in the healthcare sector and also beef up my record, sadly both were rejected,one by JC and one by RMG. Through this experience, I’m convinced that I wouldn’t fit as a doctor, so I stopped considering medicine.
Besides, I’m also worried about the stress of being a medical student and subsequently as a doctor. I have experienced various weird symptoms in my body due to stress since secondary school. From bruxism leading to Temporomandibular Joint Disorders and sensitive teeth, stomachache before exams, to pimple outbreak before As, I am thinking what else would happen to me under the stress in medical school. Even though I have taken steps to relieve stress by exercising or whatsoever, I realised I’m a person who likes to overthink and give myself stress. If so, I think I wouldn’t survive in medicine.
All in all, do you think I should go for pharmacy instead of medicine? So that
1. I can still help others in a healthcare sector and take time to improve my social skills without killing a life if I were to enter medicine.
2. I can face less stress compared to being in medicine??
(Tbh, I can only visualize myself as a researcher making contribution towards science behind the scene instead of being a front-line person, although I haven’t had any true research experience lol)2) Bio vs Chem
As mentioned earlier, I liked Bio less in JC because the syllabus is full of micro-level stuff and also cuz of its rigidness (like there’s tons to keywords to memorise). I enjoyed Chem in JC more probably because it’s easier to learn. In my case, should I apply for chem course instead of bio(life sciences/biological science)?Pardon me for the long post as I didn’t really have someone to talk to…Your help is deeply appreciated!!
Hi, I am a current private university student and am considering of retaking my entire A levels next year. I am not satisfied with the current degree that I am going to graduate with and am afraid of my future job prospects after graduating ><
I have not touched a level syallbus since 2014 so im also kind of worried that i might waste my time if i end up scoring the same or lower grades.
Any advice? Should I retake my a levels or should I just move on? T_T
wats ur course of study now?
Can I check possible to enter local universities if student doesn't score A & B in their A level? I'm parent of my first year child and start a bit panick when I saw her interim results were only in mostly in D grades n one failed for h2 maths.. sad
Originally posted by fanacies:Hello
Can I check possible to enter local universities if student doesn't score A & B in their A level? I'm parent of my first year child and start a bit panick when I saw her interim results were only in mostly in D grades n one failed for h2 maths.. sad
Originally posted by fanacies:Hello
Can I check possible to enter local universities if student doesn't score A & B in their A level? I'm parent of my first year child and start a bit panick when I saw her interim results were only in mostly in D grades n one failed for h2 maths.. sad
which JC?
Urgently needs help on this because the last day for appeal is today 28th!
I was offered a place in both NTU and NUS previously but I accepted NUS as my latest choice before the closing date of the Joint Acceptance Portal 3 days ago (25th May).
BUT!! I would like to change to accept NTU now due to some very personal reason... is it possible to accept the programme offered previously to me by NTU aft the closing date of the joint acceptance exercise? How?? Do I appeal? Will they still accept me? Will I need to pay the full semester fees to NUS if I withdraw? Someone please enlighten me >.< please help!! :(
Your help is greatly appreciated!!
Can you go personally to NTU admin office and enquire?
Decisions and deadlines have to be respected by all.
Originally posted by Chemguide7:Can you go personally to NTU admin office and enquire?
Decisions and deadlines have to be respected by all.
Yes I understand that it was my fault for not accepting NTU in the first place ..
Anyw NTU admin office and hotline is only available from Mon to Fri but the appeal closes today, can I appeal to the programme that was offered to me previously first? Will they consider my appeal? :(
You can call the hotline on Monday morning and see what they say.
It depends on the flexibility of the admin office to accommodate requests.
Originally posted by Chemguide7:You can call the hotline on Monday morning and see what they say.
It depends on the flexibility of the admin office to accommodate requests.
I called in and was told to appeal which will be considered along with other appeal cases. What are my chances of getting re-accepted..?
And the result was mentioned to be out roughly in late June or early July but there are so much admin stuff I would need to settle for NUS if NTU choose to not accept me e.g. medical checkup, financial aid etc. What to do??
Originally posted by Redvelvett:I called in and was told to appeal which will be considered along with other appeal cases. What are my chances of getting re-accepted..?
And the result was mentioned to be out roughly in late June or early July but there are so much admin stuff I would need to settle for NUS if NTU choose to not accept me e.g. medical checkup, financial aid etc. What to do??
What course is it by the way? Anyway, your reason is personal so it's rather hard to feel any sympathy in your case since you had 2 offers. I'm active on HWZ degree forum and there are students who are still on pins and needles since they didn't get an offer.
Your grades probably already meet the cutoff in the first place but by rejecting it, you have put yourself at a disadvantage. I hope that very personal reason is a valid one and not "my best friend/boyfriend/girlfriend is going to NTU".
Originally posted by EddieF4:What course is it by the way? Anyway, your reason is personal so it's rather hard to feel any sympathy in your case since you had 2 offers. I'm active on HWZ degree forum and there are students who are still on pins and needles since they didn't get an offer.
Your grades probably already meet the cutoff in the first place but by rejecting it, you have put yourself at a disadvantage. I hope that very personal reason is a valid one and not "my best friend/boyfriend/girlfriend is going to NTU".
And no its not due to having any close ones going to ntu
What if I decide to wait 1 year and apply again? I know the cut off might be higher but will they reject again just because they had records of me turning down their offer previously?
Academic lifestyles has now ended (A-levels) - the subsequent part, the big one - is ready to start deciding on rather to recognition on recent outcomes