Please refer to the following weblink for some extra information about my healing experience from such Tardive Dyskinesia / medication-induced involuntary uncontrollable rapid eyelid-twitching / eye-blinking sickness :
Brief Summary For The Posts Above
Interesting info for many to take note.
General Cognitive Behavioural Process
Well, a psychologist has actually explained to me before that any human actions / behaviours are generally dictated by a cognitive mental process summarized such as follows, and it would apply as well to the ones suffering from any mental disorders, but nevertheless are still mentally and cognitively well-aware of their surroundings and other objects / factors around them. Next, I find that such reasonings really make great senses, and hence, I just feel like to share it with the intended readers :-
Perceptions (anything we see, we hear, we know, we taste, we touch etc from our surroundings / other people) => Feelings (the way we feel about our surroundings and other people based on anything we see, hear, know, taste, touch etc) => Thoughts (the types of views and opinions that we form in our minds based on the types of feelings we have for anything we perceive) => Actions (how we choose to react in response to those surroundings / other people based on the feelings and thoughts that arise in our minds).
In such a regard, the underlying problem faced by the ones with schizophrenia, bipolar disorders and other mental disorders are such that they would tend to treat their perceptions (as mentioned above) in a very much negatively different way, and that in turn results in them forming all those negative feelings, thoughts and then all those negative actions of which others get to label them as negative behavioural / personality changes.
For example, a person suffering from schizophrenia may, after 'observing' his surroundings, (Perceptions), just in turn, for certain reasons like past traumatic experiences, anxiety disorders, panic attacks etc, would tend to spontaneously and directly feel very much uncomfortable, anxious, scared and fearful for what they get to see, hear, know, touch etc (Feelings) , and in extreme cases, maybe they may get to hear 'voices' and feel very much threatened by their surroundings then have such false and unreal imaginations of which they subconsciously choose to firmly believe in that someone out there is 'really' / 'actually' threatening his life (Thoughts or in this case, purely false hallucinations), and finally just try his very best based on his own misguided judgements, to subconsciously become violently defensive and hostile against the others in order to save himself, from being killed etc (Actions).
Similarly, such an explanation to a certain extent would apply as well to the ones having such disorders like Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Claustrophobia (a morbid fear of being closed in a confined space) etc whereby a given surrounding, which may appear normal to other people, would nevertheless and otherwise appear to be abnormally unacceptable to them possibly because of past traumatic experiences, anxiety disorders, panic attacks and other reasons. Next, the feelings and thoughts that such people would have based what they perceive for the given surrounding in turn would be largely uncontrollable, if not subconciously involuntary, while their subsequent responses/ reactions / actions based on their such negative feelings and thoughts, would in turn be very much the so-called reflex reactions which are substantially and in most cases, totally beyond their self-control.
In this regard, it would be very much helpful for the ones dealing with such persons to understand their basic underlying problems and difficulties and in turn treat them considerately and thoughtfully with care, respects and most importantly, compassion, whilst at the same time, also try to be friendly and amicable to them in such as a way that rather than feeling uncomfortable with a given surrounding and becoming agitated, these persons would on the other hand, feel more mind-easing, emotionally calm, placated, pacified, soothed, comfortable and relaxing with that given 'uneasy' / 'uncomfortable' / 'threatening' surroundings that they perceive. Subsequently, all these efforts will definitely be tremendously conducive to the improvements of the conditions of their disorders and possibly the final recovery in the end.
With all due respect, the antipsychotics and other neuroleptics just serve to temporarily block such negative nerve impulses about their such negative perceptions from getting sent to the brain of the ones having such disorders so as to artificially block all those negative feelings, thoughts, and then the actions. Hence, they are simply not a conclusive and permanent solution to such disorders.
Well, in such a context, the most direct way of treating schizophrenia and bipolar disorder in the most effective, and maybe largely hypothetical way would be for such persons to totally change their perceptions about their surroundings, environments, the other people in a positive way and to start having positive and realistic thoughts and at the same time, to get rid of those hallucinations, fanciful ideas, little by little gradually and slowly out of their mind and replace them with anything normal, practical, realistic and positive. Theorectically, positive perceptions => positive feelings =>positive thoughts => positive actions.
In this sense, a great deal of interpersonal, interactive, communications and emotional supports from the ones genuinely willing to help them would be very much essential in getting this achieved, essentially in changing the ways they perceive, feel and think for anything they deal with so as to enable them to come to a decision on their own to have positive actions.
Nonetheless, above all these external constructive helps from the others, all the self-initiatives, self-controls and self-disciplines that are meant to be exercised, essentially on the parts of the ones suffering from such a disorder, particularly to 'mentally-train' themselves to think realistically, positively, optimistically and to cast out / expel all those weird thoughts, hallucinations, fanciful imaginations and preposterous urges and whims little by little out of their minds and get them replaced with the positive, practical and realistic ones, so as to slowly develop positive behavioural changes in themselves, would in turn actually be the decisive factor in determining whether their conditions will pracitcally improve or not, slowly and gradually in the end.
Statistics of Recovery Cases For Mental Illnesses
In fact, statistical evidences actually show that among the ones getting mental illnesses, especially the serious one like Schizophrenia, generally one-third of the population of such people would eventually manage to achieve full recovery, another one-third would gain significant improvements while getting occasional relapses of such disorders, whilst the remaining rest would just get their disorders worsened day after day until no recovery is conceivably possible.
In this regard, I could tell you very frankly that the former 2/3 of the population of the ones suffering from serious mental illnesses, especially the serious one like Schizophrenia (who have either achieved full recoveries or substantial improvements), are actually the ones who have successfully overcome their own inner senses of anxieties, fears, panics, phobias and eliminated all the delusional thoughts and hallucinations all eventually by themselves, having received all the necessary external medicational and interpersonal psychotherapy helps from the others.
Lastly, what I am trying to say is that as long as there're hopes in getting improvements for one's mental disorders, one should put in the necessary efforts and work hard towards that goal of gaining more and more sanities and finally full recoveries if possible.
Further References (Please Look For Posts Made By ntuc) :
As a summary,
I'm suggesting the following as a solution to mental disorders :
1/3 of medicational helps + 1/3 of psychotherapies, interactive, interpersonal, emotional, communication, conselling supports from the others + 1/3 of self-determinations, self-initiatives, self-controls, self-wills and self-disciplines to think positively, rationally, realistically and practically as well as to lead a normal and healthy life
These are actually the advices I have obtained from many neurologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists and psychologists as well as the very conclusions I have experienced myself.
Lastly, I hope that the information given will be relevant and useful to the intended readers. Thank you.
Hallucinations / Delusions, symptoms of Schizophrenia - Brief Analysis
In fact, for the symptoms of hallucinations / delusions etc that might come along with certain mental disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder etc, well, I was actually informed by the psychiatrists and psychologists that all these hallucinations / delusions etc, 'they' are actually 'fed' on such negative feelings as fear, anger, frustrations, suspicions and all other fanciful, illogical, irrational, erratic and unreasonable senses of those suffering from such hallucinational disorders.
This is to say, the more and more, and the frequent and frequent that such people having hallucinations / delusions are to entertain / indulge / revel / be engrossed in such negative feelings of fear, anger, frustrations, suspicions and all other fanciful, illogical, irrational, erratic and unreasonable senses, and the stronger and stronger of those senses that such people suffering from schizophrenia / bipolar disorder tend to have, then the worse and worse their delusional and hallucinational conditions would tend to become / deteriorate over time.
Similarly, the same concepts and principles would fairly apply to certain mental diorders like depressions, anxieties, phobias, panic attacks etc whereby the more and more depressed, anxious, distressed, worried, dejected, panicked, desperate, emotionally impulsive, fearful (of certain things, surroundings, situations, people etc) a particular mentally-illed person can get, the more and more serious that such mental disorders would potentially deteriorate over the long-term.
So, one would really need to learn how to control oneself so as not to let their such negative senses running out of control.
In short, in dealing with such problems, just don't 'give' all these hallucinations / delusions etc what 'they' want (in these cases, that will be those negative unrealistic / irrational / wildly fanciful senses etc as described above) so as to prevent the symptoms from deteriorating from bad to worse. Whilst the same approaches would be effective for the other mental disorders too, such as the ones mentioned above.
So, the ways of overcoming these hallucinations / delusions, other mental disorders etc, on one point, would be to use certain related medications to temporarily bring such a condition under control (temporarily in the sense that medications have their limitations especially in terms of their effective curative period, whilst at the same time, such a 'temporary healing' is actually achieved through the artificial suppressing of negative nerve impulses to block all such negative feelings, thoughts - in this case, mainly the hallucinations, and finally the actions which arise from negative perceptions).
On the other hand, one's self-initiatives and self-efforts to exercise self-controls, self-disciplines, self-rationalisings, self-reasonings etc to overcome all those delusions and hallucinations would be of utmost essential in helping oneself to cope with such mental disorders.
This is to say, in order to overcome all those delusions, hallucinations etc, one would need to exercise all those self-initiatives, self-controls etc to exercise self-reasonings and self-rationalisings, so as to enable oneself to gradually and slowly think positively, rationally, realistically, reasonably, practically and sensibly, as well as, at the same time, to replace all those delusional, hallucinational thoughts, wild imaginations etc, bit by bit, with rational and reasonable thoughts and senses, just like the what the normal healthy people do.
In the meantime, one would reasonably require certain psychotherapy, emotional, interactive, interpersonal and communication supports in getting such goals achieved. In this regard, such other activities as doing sports, playing indoor games (such as chess, card games etc), engagings in one's favourite hobbies, watching comedies, reading something interesting, positively inspiring etc, would all be useful in both distracting one's mind from having delusions, hallucinations etc, whilst at the same time, subconsciously instilling into their minds all those optimistic and positive thoughts that one would need to deal with such disorders.
In short, having hallucinations, which to a certain extent might be associated with certain mental disorders, as well as the mental disorders themselves, well, they may be painful experiences to most people, however, it would take just the right treatments and other related remedial factors to achieve holistic healings for such disorders of hallucinations / delusions, other mental disorders etc.
Mental Disorders - Further Explanations
Actually, in terms of mental disorders which may come along with hallucinations / delusions, all those external aides of medications, psychotherapies, interactive, interpersonal and emotional supports etc, they are all meant for the same ultimate goal of bringing such disorders under control and there is simply no doubt for that.
Next, since it's the ones having mental disorders are who are actually suffering from such illnesses, which arise from negative perceptions, negative feelings and negative thoughts formed in their own brains / minds (instead of other people's brains / minds), it would eventually necessitate they themselves to put in their very own self- efforts, having received both external medicational and interpersonal helps from the others, to exercise self-controls and self-disciplines on their own to direct their own brains for self-reasonings, self-introspections and self-rationalisings.
This is to say, for the self-cognition / thinkings psychological part of the ones having mental diorders to form those positive feelings and positive thoughts in their own minds on their very own, and then to naturally develop postitive behavioural / personality changes, such a cognitive thought / thinking process actually can hardly be 'dictated' by anyone else other than they themselves. In such connection, as to the cognitive / thinking abilities / processes of different individuals, one of the simplest examples will be the process of learning a knowledge or something else whereby a person can get the best text materials, teachers, lecturers, tutors etc to assist one in his / her learnings, however, it would still ultimately depend on the very cognitive ability / process pertaining to that particular person which is then the key decisive factor in determining whether the knowledge is successfully acquired in the end or not.
In short, those self-efforts (related to self-cognitions), in the very end, will eventually be very much essential, or rather the decisive factor in determining whether the persons having mental disorders will achieve improvements / recoveries for their mental conditions or not.