Originally posted by virce:
Dear Doctor Reno, my galfriend is only 21years old and she has inverted nipples, does that mean she cant b.reast feed her baby next time?
There are certain methods to help her massage her own nipples when she is pregnant. There is nothing much to be worried about here as there are certain people who do have this condition.
The nurses (midwives) will instruct them on these steps to gently press on the sides (areola) to allow the nipples to evert and to repeat this every time whenever she has her own time of privacy. This is the cheapest method, although there are br.east shields. Excessive stimulation of the nipples can also indirectly stimulate your uterus and lead to contraction (as both will cause the release of the hormone oxytocin which has its impact on both the br.east tissues and the uterus). This is only dangerous if one has a high risk during pregnancy.
Please refer to this webpage for more information
Baby CenterThis link has a word br.east in it, and since our sgForums filter out such word, you may want to manually type the word br.east in between baby and feed. Right click and select on Properties to get the full link...