has anyone taken up business management courses in SIM or any other uni before? what are you working as now? im currently waiting for enlistment and preparing to register myself into a uni but not sure what course to take up!
would really appreciate it if you can share your experience with me! love to hear! thanks! :)
study accounting, finance, HR or econs as major. at least you will learn a skill. dun study management, cos it is a bloody waste of time. if you are interested in management, you can read it at your leisure.
If you do not know what course you want to study, then work for a few more years. Then we come back and talk about this topic again.
DH ah DH...
Ppl dun usually appreciate management course... Any tom dick or harry could be a manager or do mangement, but u need skills to do other stuff...
Unless u got a main skill or knowledge like accounting, IT, telecomn, design etc AND few years of working experience, dun bother taking management becoz u'll most likely end up selling insurance or become those "financial advisor/consultant"...
Put it bluntly, few will hire u to run a business... they are more likely to hire u to do stuff...
So TS, as recommended, take up some course which gives you real skills :D
If you lucky enough to get a 9-6 post, u can consider taking a part time course. Business management would be a good course as the management function has become widely recognized as the driving force of modern businesses
Equiping yourselves with a business management qualification serve as an excellent preparation if you want to go into management position in the future.
There r a few good uni offering Business Managment courses.
business management now needs to move from the notion of hard worker to being an innovative worker
and it encompass the module on cheap labour, a must in business management.