Originally posted by joeacid:
Here's the question:
This assignment requires you to conduct consumer research. In carrying out this task, you are required to ask respondents [b]what drink they have for breakfast.
Your sample size should be at least TWENTY (20) persons. Design a suitable questionnaire for the purpose of collecting your data.
Write a report that clearly states your research objectives. Explain the profiles of the persons you have interviewed and how you selected them. Describe the process you used to obtain your data. Explain the questionnaire you used. Enclose all completed questionnaires as an appendix to your report. Present and discuss your findings. Discuss the problems associated with conducting this research.[/b]
You had actually came out with some of the backbone for your questionaire.
Profile - pay scale, blueo or white collar, students, housewife, eldery and others.
Location? where? near office, coffeeshop, canteen or specific location such as gathering place, Fast food.
When? Morning break? or must or occasionally, Weekend?
With who? or alone.
Eat or just drink?
Where you found your "questionable people"
Some change drink everyday.Monday soya bean, Tuesday coffee, Wednesday Teh Talek..etc
People refused to answer you..needed difference places to get data so that it really represent most or just specific group.
I think 1500 words report should no be a problem with charts and tables. I am no business train..so maybe very layman..hopefully I am no "San Ka"