Originally posted by the.raven:
social studies easy one la, just anyhow relate one thing to another, even if they are totally irrelevant.
for example:
the most important reason for the fall of venice is not because of the government. if it because of the fact that the city is built on water, so the foundation is not sturdy. and so it led to their downfall. this reason is more important than any otehr reason because it is directly related to the city's well being. you see, who the hell would want to live in a city that floats on water anyways?
as for the source based questions, its even easier, just anyhow infer and cross reference.
for example:
this source is a picture showing catholics and protestants. I can infer that they are tap dancing, because Irish people can tap dance. or maybe it is actually the catholic stomping on the body of the protestant, who cares? no one cares, because in source B, this dude said "I am going to kill 100 protestants and 1 clown." and people asked "why the clown?" which shows that people dont care about protestants. this is reliable because it is supported by source C, which says "this source is totally reliable, Bitch, if you think it is biased, go to hell."
nice wan!!!...can help in hist oso