In cèâ�¿ lâi cèâ�¿ khÆ°Ì€ soah lóng iÅ�ng hoâgÆ°Ì� teh cèâ�¿.
Originally posted by amhoanna:In cèâ�¿ lâi cèâ�¿ khừ soah lóng iÅ�ng hoâgứ teh cèâ�¿.
Wow, powerful, ���話是 combination of 漳州腔 and 泉州腔 嘞。
cèâ�¿ = strictly 漳州腔
khừ = strictly 泉州腔
gứ = strictly Q泉州腔
TioÌ�h lah, Ä�upái he sÄ« bangsa HoÌ�kló ê kokgÆ°Ì�.
LÆ°Ì� bat khÆ°Ì€ "Cînná GÆ°Ì�giân" (chinalanguage) ê lÅ«ntoââ�¿ bô?
Originally posted by amhoanna:TioÌ�h lah, Ä�upái he sÄ« bangsa HoÌ�kló ê kokgứ.
Lứ bat khừ "Cînná Gứgiân" (chinalanguage) ê lÅ«ntoââ�¿ bô?
我嘸八去 chinalanguage 兮論壇。 (�能有八看著 tapi 無留�)
sengkapo å…®ç¦�å»ºè©±ï¼Œä½‡èªžéŸ³é ‚æœƒèˆ‡å„‚æœ‰æ½®å·žè©±å…®æ„Ÿè¦ºï¼Œæ˜¯å› çˆ²æ½®å·žè©±ä½®æ³‰å·žè…”æœ‰çœžå„•ç›¸siang兮所在,干若:本調調型ã€�變調調型ã€�調類分å�ˆã€�韻æ¯�ç‰ç‰ã€‚其實,sengkapo å…®ç¦�å»ºè©±æ˜¯å› çˆ²ç”±æ–¼æ½®å·žè©±ï¼ˆæ½®æ±•è…”å…®äººæ•¸è¼ƒå„•ï¼Œæ½®é™½è…”/海陸è±�腔較減)兮å˜åœ¨ï¼Œå‰‡æœƒåŠ 強泉州腔特色兮ä¿�å˜ï¼Œé�®æ˜¯ä½‡å…¶ä»–兮所在[扌罪]ç„¡å…®ç�¾è±¡ã€‚所以,sengkapo å…®ç¦�建話是漳州腔,廈門腔佮泉州腔兮混å�ˆè…”,擱é� 潮州話éž�固了泉州腔兮特色,而嘸是單單ç¦�建話佮潮州話兮混å�ˆé«”。tapi ä¸�å�¯å�¦èª�兮是,佇詞彙佮語法兮方é�¢ï¼Œæ½®å·žè©±å…®å½±éŸ¿å‚·å¤§ã€‚
æ±�雄雄講ç�€è¿™ ... 與暗番å›�真æ“å–œ ,本番特别興çžè§£ hit 種「閩潮濫ã€�兮鶴佬話,比論 Sengkapo 抑是海è±�ã€�汕尾抑是廣æ�±å�—澳島æ�±çˆ¿å…®è©±ã€‚範势 Kucing pun 是 ánne?
潮州話佇 Sengkapo 有咧 tàu kÄ“ng 泉州腔兮特色,he 真有æ„�æ€�。阮美麗島å�—部內埔(倚山hit 爿)å�¡æ—©æœ‰çœŸä¾ªæ½®å·žäººï¼Œå””擱自早伊儂 hia 兮話就還å›�å�¡å€šæ¼³å·žè…”。
æ±�講潮州話「影響傷大ã€�,kàisêng æ±�å�¡ sukah æ£çµ±å…®é–©å�—話?
我 teh 想,若是欲與鶴佬話擱一擺佇 Sengkapo chèng 起來,hit 種「閩潮濫ã€�兮鶴佬話定ç�€æ˜¯é–¢é�µï¼ŒæŠ‘範势鶴佬話佇全世界欲漸漸 hoa 去抑是欲擱旺,関é�µæ“±æ˜¯ Sengkapo?
Originally posted by Clivebenss:Sengkapo?
Revive Hokkien.
if there is interest.
wonder if anyone will campaign this election in dialects to win the seniors votes.
You go teach Hokkien in Huay Kuan please.
Originally posted by BanguIzai:You go teach Hokkien in Huay Kuan please.
you can also.
You lah. I support by asking people join.
Originally posted by BanguIzai:You lah. I support by asking people join.
old and forgetful liao.
I can only help in pure linguistics. Whereas, you can share a lot on the past and history and stuffs too.
dun sigh.
judging from the replies, many view this language only for its profanity. But there are profanities in all language but it was highlighted by our then dear PM "Hokkien is vulgar" in his Speak Madarin campaign.
Originally posted by Clivebenss:judging from the replies, many view this language only for its profanity. But there are profanities in all language but it was highlighted by our then dear PM "Hokkien is vulgar" in his Speak Madarin campaign.
Profanity in our mother tongue can be transformed into many different musical forms, such as this:
or this (a more high class one):