Rokujou Miharu is a boy who has a hijustu (hidden technique) living inside of him. This hijustu is the power of creation. Many ninja clans are seeking it as the one who posesses it becomes the ruler of the ninja world. Rokujou's classmate Kouichi started a nindou ("Way of the Ninja") club at school with Kumohira, his English teacher. Both Kouichi and Kumohira are secretly ninjas. They tried to persuade Rokujou to join the ninjustu club. At first, he was reluctant, but after being attacked by group of ninjas trying to get his hijutsu, he joins. He must become the Ruler of Nabari in order to survive.
lol...i think this anime kinda of new???....veoh have it...lol...just sharing=D....but i gotta sae the main character like damn gay=X...lol...
He's just... making use of his cuteness... haha!
He's really very funny. (>.<)
One thing I don't really like about the anime is that the characters are all too thin.
One thing I like about the anime is how they use water-colored style drawing as background. It soft of like brings out the characters.
its a good anime with good plot.. but the character designs leaves alot to be desired,all so scrawny and weak looking..