Genres: Fantasy, Horror
Plot Summary: It is the world where magic and science coexist. Rayotte Steinberg, a lone wolf "tactical sorcerist", fights against monsters. They used to be human beings, but they had overused forbidden power, "magic", to turn into monsters. What he wears is "mold", the straight jacket that keeps him being a human. What he holds on his hand is "staff", a magical wand that explodes everything. If he casts magic, he moves one step to be a monster. If he doesn't, he will be killed. Among the harsh battles, he will face a sin he had committed in the past.
Fansub [ureshii]
This is a bloody anime, and it is about, combining magic and technology into a simple anime, for those who are very disappointed with devil may cry, this is one anime, which i highly recommended
this is a new anime series