Nodame Cantabile is an ongoing manga that has spawned a drama series and also an anime series. The following is for anime only...Genre : Comedy, Romance, Shoujo, Slice of Life
Vintage : 2007
Episodes : 23
Plot Synopsis:At a top music academy in Japan, Shinichi Chiaki's arrogance is matched only by his top-notch piano playing. But when Chiaki and the teacher get into a fight, he's demoted to the reject class. Chiaki is left to pursue his dream of being a composer while surrounded by a bunch of loser musicians and one annoying girl, Noda Megumi, who has proclaimed herself Chiaki's girlfriend. It doesn't help that Noda, who insists on being called Nodame, lives right next door to him.
Comments:Hilarious and heartwarming. Aspiring musicians will find this inspiring, and for those unfamiliar with but interested in classical music, this anime introduces several works by famous composers from Mozart to Stravinsky and is a good starting point to learn more about classical music.
A big thank you to fellow forumite
Baseline for recommending this to me.
I tried watching the drama series but never got past the first episode cos I found the acting somewhat unnatural...