hmm... after extensive soul searching...
Shows that finished airing in 2007
I will vote Lucky Star for 1st place. Interesting Slice of Life with lots of wtf elements that kept me entertained throughout the 24mins. Never did I have a moment where I feel like doing other things other than watching the show. It also had convincing everyday dialogues where the character made small talk, much like everyday life (except RL is less extreme). The friendship between Kagamin x Konata also felt genuine, with lots of moments in the show that proved it, like the episode where Konata felt that Kagamin was unhappy over "love" and took her out on the streets of Kyoto (albiet also for shopping on her Anime goods), ending with a NeoPrint and chatting with her the same night through the phone...
Kanon ended on March 2007, so it still stands as a contender. I vote Kanon 2nd. The story was very well weaved, nice graphics, the characters voices sounded convincing and (with the exception of Ayu) the interaction between Yuuichi and the other people looks genuine. And for Nayuki ~nyuu

For Shiori "ice-cream daisuki!" For Mai and Sayuri! And, for Akiko-san "Himitsu Jam

Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS, much as I wanted to give it a high ranking, wasnt that great in my opinion. We get too much of the training lessons and the battle is rookie centric. It should have been 26 episodes of Nanoha x Feito and more of Yagami Hayate's tricks. Reading the recent issue of Megami 92 also gave some hints of underdevelopment of some characters in the Anime adapation. In Megami 92, you'll notice Teana and Subaru's sketches are more well drawn than the others, including (imo) Yagami Hayate's. In short, I'm nominating MSLNS only for love of Feito-chan.
Shows that started in Winter 2007
Prism Ark was relatively good, although I've heard that the Anime changed alot of the original story. Apart from 1 episode, we get to see much fanservice and Precia being love-love with that guy (whatever his name is)... and that is already enough to entertain me......

Myself; Yourself was also a good show. Kept me watching most of the 24mins, and they revealed the character's stories in a nice way.