Genres: Adventure, Fantasy, Romance, Comedy
Plot Summary: The Sablum Empire has been attempting to take over the kingdom of Windland for many years, and are now plotting with the mercenaries Sister Hell and Darkness Knight to start a new offensive using powerful beings called Angels. Hyaweh, a carefree yet talented swordsman, and Priecia, who just might be the lost princess of Windland, are enrolled at the Knight's Academy in Windland to hone their skills in swords and sorcery. There they meet many friends and allies who can help them protect their homeland from the impending invasion.
Vintage: 2007-10-07 to 2007-12-23
Animation Production: Front Line
Personal comments/feedback:
Interesting way to kick start episode 1.
BUT they juggle too much between the present and the past.
Hence, episode one may be confusing for some people.
As the story progresses,
(oh wait, the storyline is stuck all the way at the time they're in the academy,
which btw has no link to episode one, thatz what i feel), it gets lamer ?!
Oh well, last few episodes left, letz see if it'll turn for the better.
hmmm.... not much of adventuring to be frank......