Genres: Comedy, Drama, Slice of Life
Plot Summary: Itoshiki Nozomu is the world's most negative person. To his way of thinking, there is no hope or meaning in this existence. Even the three kanji of his name become the two-kanji word zetsubou, "despair", when compressed. What an ironic twist of fate, then, that he becomes teacher to a class containing his precise opposite, the invincibly positive-minded Fuura Kafuka.
Fansub [a.f.k]
This is a emo anime, and it is a dark comedy at the same time, not suitable for kids, and i am still watching the first ep, a short spoiler to what is the first ep is all about. Mr despair is trying to hang himself in the public, right infront of a sakura tree, and one girl was walking by and decided to pull him down from the rope.
Mr despair is the most negative man on earth and he is a teacher
P.S. this anime is not suitable for kids, and if you are below 21, you probably won't be able to understand the anime at all
and i am beginning to like this very very dark comedy