well.. from what i see from the net(especially singapore..), there isn't any webby that review any sort of figuring shop nor comic/manga shop.. (at least i didn't find any yet..)..
activitiy of fellow collector(singaporean) in the cyber world are also scarce, and well, at least from the webby that i searched for.. feel free to post and inform me of any webby that provide any good communication link with fellow otakus or whatever..
anyway, i'm here today to present some introduction on some figuring shop(+images + links) for all..
first, we will start off from the infamous Sunshine plaza, from what i know(i assumed), most otaku in SG knew about long ago..
Sunshine plaza figuring shops.
first shop to present,
official webby:
http://www.latendoshop.com/speciality: from what you can see from the picture below.. it's figuring figuring and figuring.. tons of, and japanese based one.. lol
quite an amount of Merchandise, but not as much as KKnM do from my view..
minor amount of japanese magazine, and some are really antique=.=
i personally voted for this shop, if you want to find japanese based animation figuring
above is the 3 pictures i told from Latendo(乐天堂
, and proberly, for most otaku out there, you will feel happy walking in too lol..
special thanks to the boss, i requested to take some photos of the shop and the boss seems puzzeled in the first place, but agreed quickly in the end.. thanks again..
1st and 2nd picture would probably sumed up the whole of the shop, and to some, it's a big WOW..
last photo is the outview of the shop, it's hidden somewhere at a corner, though it's still visible..
Second shop to mention
KKnM(什么店official webby:
http://www.theanimehouse.com/speciality: VCDs, and really rare and old one
minor amount of figuring, though i can see you can pre-order quite an amount from the counter or from the webby..
tons of merchandise and of course(from the webby)they might have hidden somewhere behind the counter, there's i didn't see much around the shop, but supposingly i can see much much more in the catelogue they had at the counter...
minor amount of japanese magazine though it's a bit more than Latendo ones.. and newer one..
renting of comic is actually available in this shop, so it might be one of it's highlight also..
really old TCS film are available too in the shop as the shop seems to accomodate more than one "boss"
special thanks to the KKnM female boss, i requested to take photo, was asked why, and gave me a positive answer in the end, though specially mentioned that no taking of any photo of the VCD over there.. i respect the comment and abide to it~
2 views of the shop, first one from the left side of the shop, i'm actually a bit lazy to wait for people to move off from the sight of view from my digital camera, therefore i just took part of the collection KKnM had, and didn't really take the whole of the internal view of the shop, course there's really quite an amount of customers over there=.=
and of course, the 2nd photo is the outview of the shop, looks very presentable ~
3rd shop to present,
Ani-playoffically webby:
http://www.ani-play.com/speciality: English COMIC!! i have actually heard from one of the blog from sgers saying there's actually very few shop that cater to the english group, well, you might be wrong if you visited this shop... anyway, from what i know, it's actually quite a new shop..
quite an amount of figuring, though i would say that it's not as much as the 2 above.. but well, they are new you know..
you can find small amount of merchandise.. but really insignificant in my view..
some figuring can be only found in this shop, and one of the example is the final fantasy VII cloud figuring(the big black box in the photo below, below the "NETS" logo..), it looks really nice.. i didn't saw or browsed through any of the catelogue from anywhere that had that figuring..
and minor amount of japanese imported tibets lol..
i didn't enter the shop because i'm lazy to wait for the boss to finish catering to it's customer.. therefore i will not take any photo without the owner permission before i get my ass kicked out of the shop =.=!
nice outview too~
fourth shop to present in Sunshine plaza,
Hobby Art Galleryofficial webby: not availible(at least i don't know)
speciality: Gundam Gundam and Gundam.. lol..
very very minor amount of figuring, though you can see ah my goddess belladande figuring somewhere in the mid of the photo, and i don't think it's for sales lol.. (sorry for the blury part, my digital camera seems to auto focus to area only =.=!)
once again, i didn't enter the shop, partly because of the tons of people looking at someone spraying a gundam inside i guess..
the fifith one,
画(?)一天下..i don't really know what's that traditional chinese word.. but anyway, it's one of the shop at the less lighted place in Sunshine plaza..
official webby: not availible(at least i don't know)
speciality: it sells most of the hongkong fighting based comics merchandise/figuring, and some japanese one too.. they also sell some small sword used by the character from those comics..
i had really few to mention, partly because i didn't even enter this shop before..
sixth one,
unknown shop A(caleb's XX god loves you)official webby: not availible(course i don't even know the name of the shop lol)
anyway, i didn't enter this shop too.. it's gundam exclusive, and a good place for fans boy around~
seventh shop in Sunshine plaza,
Unknown Bofficial webby: not availible(course i don't even know the name of the shop lol)
very very strange shop, it was always not opened.. at least i went there on saturday most of the time and it's closed.. don't tell me it's not open on saturday =.= the shop doesn't have any name too..
it seems to have quite a amount of figuring.. and i really wanted to visit this shop=.=!
eighth shop in sunshine plaza,
Unknown Cofficial webby: not availible(course i don't even know the name of the shop lol)
speciality: armor modeling, and i saw car modeling too if my memory didn't fails..
And now, To
China Town CentralFirst shop to mention,
Vincent's Collectionofficial webby: not availible(at least i don't know)
speciality: figuring again, and the amount is considerable..anyway, shops in sunshine plaza seems to lend more towards the western action figuring. you can find quite a lot of figuring inside, and it's really squeezy in the shop.. for 2 person to walk in one pathway in the shop is hell.. i can't really admired the figuring inside well..=.=!
anyway, the owner/shop keeper seems very friendly to answer most of the question..(though i didn't answer any, i heard a lot of people asking lol)
one of the shop i recommend in china town central..
second shop in China Town Central to present,
Treasure land(Toy N Toys)i'm actually quite lucky(or unlucky) to take the outview of the shop at the time where they just told down their shop name and replacing it to toyntoys(from what i peak from the contractor)
official webby:
http://shop.toyntoys.com/index.phpspeciality: western figuring + japanese figuring at the back of the shop, it's seems quite a established shop, and the layout seems very very nice to me, though i can say that it's because they got tons more space then the other shop mentioned..
and as from the webby, you can preorder a lot of stuff from them.. and there's catelogue for you to browse through those pre-order only stuff, which is similar to latendo and KKnM..
though i visited this shop quite a bit, i didn't really take note of the price that had for their products=.=!
above is the 2 photo of the shop, i didn't enter the shop.. because slowly and slowly, i feel that people are looking at me, and made me had the feeling that i'm taking photo of them.. hey, i want your goods man~
third shop to present from China Town Central,
ng's collectionsofficial webby: not availible(at least i can't find it), but i found out a forum thread that had good preview of the shop
http://forum.tokuasia.com/viewtopic.php?t=854speciality: GACAPHONS, they have tons of the machine outside the shop..=.=! i nearly got lured to their traps XD
they have got quite a lot of animation figuring, and selling at reasonable cheap pricing.. western action figuring is also a main focus over there, and i can say, it's one of the big scale shop in China Town Central
i have actually heard that the uncle is very friendly and from what i heard from the speech from the uncle, he seems cheerful.. sorry but at that time, i don't have the nerve to go ahead and ask to take some photo around the shop..=.=!
there are at least 3 more shops at China Square Central, namely utoys, a shop very near ng's collections, concentrating on western figuring, but cheap on japanese figuring too.. i do compare price too~
2 more shop at the escalator area, i didn't take another photo from these 3 shops because the owner is out and seems either hostile, or busy with on-lookers+ customers... and i didn't really wanna take photos in their faces lol..
here are some links for the other location for the other shops in singapore
http://www.sgcollect.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=376&Itemid=43http://www.katoots.com/Shops.phpwho knows i might one day just walk down to any of the shop in the list, take some photos and update this blogs.. and that's the reason why this review blog is in beta edition only lol..
i hope all of you enjoy this whole article.. thanks for reading through..
visit my blog for this article