HEADLINES HEADLINESWhen local anime distributor, Odex began to crack down on rose almost as one to decry the action, never mind the important fact, that Odex had the law on its side.
Now the online row has taken a nasty turn as the more unsavoury elements of the Wild Wild Web take potshots (which is HWZ) at Odex company director, STEPHEN SING.
What is his crime?
They felt that he had gloated over his company's success in taking illegal downloaders to task. <------ stupid new paper never make any clear induction on what did he did!
Mr SING, soon found himself branded as the ''most hated man in Singapore's anime community'', as labelled by one blogger. (Just one. it appears to me, new paper has no idea, how many people hated Odex).
Unhappy Net citizens have posted his personal information (HWZ CSI) and photographs on a forum thread and on various blogs.
When some of them, went on the forums and threatened to beat him up and wanted to set fire to his house, <------- i need the peekure on beat his family, burn his family. he decided that, enough is enough. Worried for his and his family safety, Mr Sing aka noob decided to make a police report.
His comment: ''I'll just leave it to the police,''
''I'd rather not engage the forum members, because they are not going to react very well, to whatever i have to say. (yea, after you made such a remark - Hahahahaha!! I double-6-ed so many downloaders~ serve them right! Nope~ Me too busy sueing (sic) people~)
''Double-6'' is a gaming term which means hitting or striking an opponent.
Mr Sing is one of two directors in Odex. The other is managing director, Peter Go.
In june, Odex started to send out letters to Internet users whose accounts, were linked to illegal downloading activities. The deal is, they were made to sign a letter, in promising not to download any more animes series, and pay between $3000 to $5000, in reimbursement to the company.
Following the crackdown, forum members and other Net Citizens, manage to dug up information on Mr Sing's onlne activities - the forum he frequented, his educational background, and even his Sunday rountine.
One forum member even posted a picture of his wife.
Forum member jeff Koh, 29, an IT professional told The New paper (whose newspaper article which i have to edit because your work really looks a primary school homework, and lack in depth in terms of information and paragraph, oh well) that he felt that Mr Sing's comment on the issue of sueing people, was ''extremely unbecoming behaviour as a company director''.
he said that: ''Mr Sing mocks at the people whom run afoul of the nation's intellectual property law, whether due to ignorance or on purpose, (yaya. you never even produce the copyright proof that you have obtain the license for devil may cry, and you want to claim copyright, an act of double standard)
''He is supposed to be handling out justice (profit margins) and delivering proper education (better translation, and better front setting) to the next generation of young people(i will sue you if you downoad).''A forum posting, by SeCtor 7, said this at a thread!!: To give out such comments, he is simplu gloating over other (sic) misfortune.... Mat the whole entire Singapore online community and anime lovers unite(count me out, i don't want to get sue) and turn turn the tide against Odex.''
A blogger named as Atalude (another dick sued by Odex), added that the flaming of Mr Sing, was a form of '' divine retribution'' for the way, how Odex has been cracking down on illegal downloaders.
But some of them disapprove of the flaming, One blogger, Impz, wrote this: Having display such childish manner, about downloading, and shouldn't we be more civil in looking at this matter, is not helping the online community in anyway ( sorry i had to edit his whole entire sentence, it just doesn't sound right! his exact words are, Being childish over this downloading and the words spoken is(are) really not (are really not,) putting community in a good light.
''What will people think of us? My bet is that we will be seen as a group of immature little punks that know nothing of the law and simply know how to flame.''( thank god, he is not in this forum, or i will mock at his english)
Mr Sing said that, he was shocked (ya right) that his comment n the forum had sparked off, such a huge reaction. (We hated you, what kind of reception, do you expect, a warm welcome, a civil debate, please oh my, what a noob).
He said: I wrote that comment, almost two months ago, so when my told me, what had been happening in that thread, i couldn't even remember it.'' (HUH what are you talking about, you are denying that you wrote that, blaming it on loss of memory, is that what you are trying to say?)
'TAKEN OUT OF CONTEXT' (Please, the new paper, if you want to do some damage control, brush up on your english, please)
Mr Sing said that, he made that remark in response to his friend's invitation t meet up. Telling his friend, why couldn't he meet up at all, his reply was he is busying, taking people to court.
Mr Sing felt that his comments had been ''taken out of context''. (An fabulous display of what a noob would do, and his broken english can lead to. FLAMING!)
''Some bloggers have been posting irresposibly (we are hiding behind the screen to flame you, hey, is this the first time, Mr sing in a forum) because they think they can say anything, they want because they can do it anonymously,'' (-_-* you started to insult us and you expect us to be civil.......)
This period of time, has been a personal challenge for him, especially when it comes to meet up with some of the downloaders with ''a bad attitude''.
(ahhhhhhhhhhhhh i want a refund of my 80 cents)
''Most of the time,'' Mr Sing said, ''we want to help the downloaders, we want. But occasionallu, we meet those, who refuse to listen to us.(duh we are not your pet, we have a free mind) even though they have broken the law.''
He added that some of the downloaders even used vulgarities on him and tore up his namecards in a show of defiance. <------ did you do that, Xephone_xenon?
In hindsight, Mr Sing said that he must take some of the blame for his comments, because he gote ''carried away''.
On the flaming, he admitted that he was angry when he saw the postings for the first time on Monday.
''It's caused me , alot of stress for me and my friends, facing so much public hatred,'' he said. (Must be, his wife, whining to him about the posting of her photo in the forum)
''I think it has been a wake-up call and a lesson learnt - that any information that you posted online, however long ago, can come back and haunt you later.'' (Google is our friend, and you just got owned)
Lawyer Lim Seng Siew of Ong Tay and Partners, told The New Paper, that bloggers who post defamatory statements can be sued by the person defamed. It does not matter where the blogger or server is located.
H said: ''In the Odex situation, if the words and the pictures, are crafted (photoshop ftw) in a way that is harmful to that person's reutation, then there is defamation.
''The bloggers can avoid liability only if they can show that their statements are true or justifiable.''
Choice quotes by Odex (Stephen Sing and Peter Go)http://anime.tedfox.com/2007/others/news/choice-quotes-by-odex-stephen-sing-and-peter-goThe forum link to his comment -
http://aseancord.idasia.org/viewtopic.php?t=151http://atalude.wordpress.com/2007/08/12/how-do-i-gotten-pwnt/Mr Sing nick: xysing