Genres: Adventure, Science Fiction
Plot Summary: The story takes place in the fictional Daikoku City. It follows a group of children as they use illegal AR visors called Dennou Mégané "computer spectacles" to unravel the mysteries of their half real, half Internet environment. The world displayed in the internet-connected visors contains games, virtual pets, and also internet viruses. The children interact with and reshape the digital landscape with the help of software tools.
Fansub [ureshii] [Lunar]
Promo videothis is a very interesting anime, i watched the promo video two days ago, and the raw has been released, and in 5 days or so, one fansubs will release the first ep. i think this anime is based on futuristic, so take a look at the promo video
first ep is out already
Lunar has also released their first ep yesterday, and i have watched both of the release by both of the fansub, not much of a difference