Genres: Comedy, Drama, Romance, Shounen
Plot Summary:Keiichi Morisato is looking forward to university life. But in reality, he has no luck in anything, and he has trouble with clubs, love, etc. The truth is that he has an unlucky star above his head. One day, Keiichi is stuck watching the dorm while his sempai are away, and has a mountain of chores to do to boot. But Keiichi is a good-natured person, and is set about doing his duties. As he is about to finish his final chore, he makes a phone call to his sempai. But the words that came through the receiver are, 'Goddess Help Line.
' Shortly afterwards, a beautiful goddess named Belldandy appears in front of him from the mirror of his room.With the arrival of Belldandy in this romantic, funny; touching series; Keiichi's life is enhanced in some ways (he gets lucky at times in terms of money etc) but unfortunate in others (the Demon Mahler wishes to send Belldandy back to heaven to bring misfortune on earth; also there are characters wishing to steal Belldandy away from Keiichi, and vice versa).
Belldandy is further joined by Goddesses Urd and Sculdy, who also causes trouble for Keiichi sometimes; as Urd wants Keiichi to confess his love for Belldandy, whereas Sculdy would stop at anything to separate them. The second season "Everyone Has Wings" continues the plot to display Keiichi's effort to gather the courage to confess his true feelings to Belldandy, and kiss her. Till the end of the second season, he is still short of this wish. It is unknown whether the creators would continue with a Third Season; though it is worthy to continue.
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