Plot Summary: During the time when Louis XV still ruled France, a certain woman was found dead in the coffin floating through the Seine river. D'Eon, the woman's brother, determines to seach for the killer of his sister, Lia. But there are some strange movements in France. And things become more strange when Lia's soul enters D'Eon's body...
Genres: Drama, Fantasy, Historical, Horror, Mystery, Supernatural
Fansub [Shinsen-subs] [AnY] i would recommend downloading [AnY] sub
This anime is fairly interesting, the concept is pretty new, and the plot is rather slow paced, and its related to psalms - the bible, but it is not exactly related to christian.
If you are tired of mecha, this show is worthwhile to watch, when you have the free time.
Total ep - 24
today just release the last ep