Plot Summary: Tooru Soma was a member of "Steppen Wolf", a group of hackers. The group decided to do one more hacking attack by attempting to hack into FLAK, a major military organization run by the United Nations to prevent cyber terrorism. However, they were discovered quickly, which resulted in the death of Yuuya, Steppen Wolf's leader and Tooru's friend, as well as their arrest. In order to avoid a long term in prison, Tooru ultimately decided to join FLAK, in order to find out who killed Yuuya. While Tooru tries to find the murderer of his friend, he and his new teammates are to defend the wired world from Fei Dao, an extremist group who threatens to disrupt the stability of the wired world.
Genres: Adventure, Drama, Mecha, Science Fiction, Shounen
Fansub [KissSub] and [Megami]
Ok, finally [KissSub] has finally release the last ep.
Total ep - 4
This anime is for those hardcore mecha fan, the storyline is pretty simple, mecha mecha mecha, and the world is about people obsessed with the internet, and all the time, they are connected to the web - (sound likes matrix) and the mecha they control, is web based, which means that you can only control the mecha in the internet.