Plot Summary: Created from the aftermath of the last great battle of the gods, Lodoss and its kingdoms have been plagued by war for thousands of years. As a quiet peace and unity finally become foreseeable over the land, an unknown evil begins to stir. An ancient witch has awakened, bent on preserving the island of Lodoss by creating political unbalance throughout the many kingdoms and keeping any one from maintaining central control. Only a mixed-race party of six young champions, led by the young warrior Parn, stand between this new threat and Lodoss' decent back into the darkness of war and destruction.
Genres:Genres: Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Shounen, Supernatural
Fansub [Anime-Supreme]
the tv series sucks big time, i am paying a tribute to this very first anime (OAV) that i ever watched on vcd, and honestly speaking, it is still the best ever epic anime, i ever seen, and the dragon is awesome looking, the best portrayed dragon ever!~
i have the dub version which included the sub....... wanted to find the japanese version with sub... couldn't find it or no seeders at all *shrug*
[a4e] is subbing the TV series........
Record of Lodoss War: Chronicles of the Heroic Knight (TV)