Plot Summary: In the land of Foreland a coup de tat has occurred and the princess, after witnessing the death of the King, is on the run. She meets with battle-hungry bounty hunter Fallis, and with a twist of fate they both switch souls, making Alita the maid of the now princess Falis. Named for her bravery in confronting the enemy as ‘Murder Princess’, Falis must continue to be the princess as well as confronting any new opponent that comes to her way.
Genres:Genres: adventure, fantasy
Fansub [Ayako]
Watch this anime and find out, why the princess is so damn good in fighting, initially the princess is so damn weak, and she has to resort to run away, when there are traitors invading the castle, and then she meet someone in the forest, while escaping from the enemy, and then she meet someone......