Genre: Comedy, Ecchi, Romance, Science-fiction
No. of episodes: 26
Plot Summary: In the near future, personal computers take the form attractive women, called Persocons (editorial note: "persocons" actually means PC or personal computer in Japanese). Hideki Motosuwa is a poor student who failed his entrance exams to get into college. So, Hideki is forced to move to the city, get a job, and attend cram school in hopes of passing the next college entrance exam. He of course, wants a Persocon for himself, but is way too poor to afford one. One day, while passing a building, we finds a Persocon in a trash heap. However, his new find doesn't seem to be like the others he's heard about. She doesn't seem to have any operating system at all, and only says "Chii". As Hideki learns more about his Persocon (aptly named "Chii"), he finds that she is not of any known type, and most likely some sort of homemade model. He also learns of the rumor of the "Chobits", Persocons with the ability to think for themselves, instead of running only complex programs. Find out what happens between Hideki and his new Persocon, as she learns more about her environment, people, and life.
Personal Rating: 3.5/5
Personal Comment: One thing is for sure, this is one of the cutest anime I've ever seen from start to finish.
The starting is rather generic for its genre, the lead male, Hideki, is a Ronin for another year and moved closer to the city to study, and there, he met up with a bunch of new friends and face everyday problems like no money, jobs and having a hard time studying. But the new thing here is instead of computers, the world runs around these Persocons, a human like robot with its own personalities depending on the program it runs. These thing replaces hand phones, laptops and PDA. Wish I had one.
In the show, Hideki just out of the blue stumbles on a functional persocon in the trash. Wow... that's like accidentally found a new laptop out of no where. But then, he's a noob. Luckily he has friends to help out figuring out how to get her working. Oh yeah, she's a cute looking persocon to. Luck guy...
Throughout the show, Hideki act as a big brother to the new persocon, who he named "Chii". Chii has no useful program installed so he has to teach her everything from scratch from what are the names of everything to how to put on panties ^_^...
Later in the show, things begin to get mysterious. Apparently, Chii is not a normal persocon. There is something special about her. Weird thing begin to happen and relationship between Hideki and Chii begin to be more than just master and robot...
That's all I'm gonna say. Overall, Its a nice show. But its kinda mushy too. Maybe a good show to watch with a gf. Artwork is by clamp so has the same style as Cardcaptor Sakura.