Episodes: 11
Year: 2006
Genre: Fantasy, Historical Settings, Horror
This anime is a collection of Japanese classic ghost stories, Yotsuya Kaidan, Bake Neko, and Tenshu Monogatari.
Yotsuya Kaidan: Tamiya Iemon killed the father of his wife, Oiwa, and also poisoned her because she was obstacle of his remarriage. Because of the poison, she turned into a grotesque figure and was despised as a monster. When she knew his plot, she committed suicide swearing to revenge him. At first, the situation went well as his plot. However, the sprit of Oiwa wouldnÂ’t take him apart. It was whether from her love or obsession...Tenshu Monogatari: On the top of the Shirasagi Castle srounded by deep myst, there were enchantress called Forgotten Goddess. Tomihime, the owner of the castle, met Zushonosuke, the falconer, when he was looking for his lost falcon, and they fell in love. Zushonosuke tried to quit being a human to love the goddess. On the other hand, Tomihime was loosing her power as the goddess because she loved a human. When they prepared for the death...Bakeneko: In Edo Era, a granddaughter of the master of a samurai family was going to marry. However, at the moment they would celebrate the wedding, she was killed miserably. A druggist said it was the work of a bakeneko, or a cat monster. As if someone followed his words, they were killed one after another. Finally, the bakeneko appeared in front of frightened people. Actually, its act was due to a terrible event that had occurred in the family...