Background InformationThe Rozen Maidens are a collection of dolls created by a craftsman named Rozen, whom the dolls refer to as "Father". Their primary source of power is a human host that wears a ring to symbolize their bond with the doll, although dolls have been shown to act without a medium. Each Rozen Maiden has her own distinct personality, guardian spirit, and supernatural ability. Their apparent purpose is to participate in the "Alice Game", a lethal competition that promises the winner the right to meet "Father" by becoming "Alice", a girl of supreme beauty that lives inside of "Father", which is said to be "more sublime than any flower, purer than any gem, and without a touch of impurity".
The game is played through duels in which the dolls fight using both their guardian spirits and respective abilities—such as the manipulation of strawberry vines—as well as the spiritual energy from their medium. The doll that loses the duel loses her "Rosa Mystica", the very essence that endows her with the ability to move, thus becoming "junk". The lost Rosa Mystica is then collected and absorbed by the duel's winner. The doll that gains all of her sisters' Rosa Mystica will become Alice. Shinku, the central doll of the series, is notable in that while she does not refuse to fight, she does refuse to take the lost power and kill a sister doll.
A doll can no longer become Alice if she loses her Rosa Mystica or her ring, which is used to transfer power from a medium.
Storyun Sakurada is a Junior High School student who refuses to go to school due to mental issues resulting from traumatic experiences there (see Hikikomori). He normally locks himself in his room and has a hobby of ordering supernatural goods online and returning them before the trial period ends and he has to pay for them. His older sister, Nori Sakurada, does everything she can to help but is unable to reach Jun.
One day, Jun receives a letter claiming he has won a prize, and asking whether or not he would "Wind" or "Not Wind". After putting the letter in his drawer as per the instructions on the letter, he receives a beautifully crafted box right after Nori comes to complain about his habits. Within is a humanoid doll wearing clothing in Victorian style. Curious, Jun winds up the doll. The doll then gets up on its own, and walks over to him and slaps him. She later on says, "My name is Shinku, the fifth doll of the Rozen Maiden." Shinku is a doll from the "Rozen Maiden" collection, and before Jun can take in what happened, Jun now holds the responsibility to protect Shinku's "Rosa Mystica" whilst they are engaged in mysterious battles with other dolls.
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